these days mostly cloudy days. when sunshine when warm and while windy and cold when cloudy. the tension between ema and me abated and i forgave ema's selfishness again. baby these days refused to join kindergarten and had staying at home in day time for 2 days. last afternoon i cared him who was sleeping till his grandma returned near 3 pm. in the morning he played in his mother's office. we played games in the night again, now that his eyes' reddish less. i still busy with game's downloading in the night, for i always need to compensate my longings for games for i can't played with as the young generation, by collecting games. i scheduled it to try seriously large games alone with my own engagement, not in the way now i played with baby. baby these days also felt reluctant to play alone and asked my accompanying him to play. he didn't engaged in a game for some days since the game "panzer killer" where in later chapters he unable to compete against computer opponent who frustrated him and me. i in the later chapter also got impatient with him and let him cry upon my unconstrained frustrations. sorry, baby, here i apologize to u.
its a peaceful afternoon. the girl graduate told me the bullish monitor, a fake graduate i doubting, talked to her and let her do housework in office more. she complained she was coward. i told her just keeping high and not toadied. i commented the monitor was not a graduate, which essence was the spirit of believing and fighting for freedom rather than obedience, like dog alike behavior of blue collar workers.
that's our day. rumors has it our salary will be increase these days. its good for me but i know China suffering inflation and i don't know exactly its side effect.
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