i was quite enchanted by the new arrival of lan of QRRS, my long time employer and a state-owned enterprise, even i was blocked from internet access by the administration rule. i don't know why but i guest the authority preventing my web activities through the lan. the newcomer, a girl graduate majoring Chinese, in office was also refute internet access but she managed to get internet wired via a free ip offered by her boyfriend who in a important department. the girl was easy-going and i guest i can got wired if i in need when in office in the coming days. this afternoon i tried to design a signature for my account with the company oa system and asked the girl for using awhile her ip to got code i needed and i was allowed. i don't need constant internet access all working time, so the accessible internet in time is a great relief for my anxiousness sometimes for a web resource. i roamed in the office after introduced my web site links in the signature to the girl and felt satisfied. my bottom also painful, likely last night i stayed some time outside of the quilt with hardly any clothing.
its a nice day with new equipment. i hope i can work in more freedom. bye.
Mobile post sent by benzillar using Utterz.