Jul 12, 2018
these days very sleepy, esp amid moisture from rains. last night it again thunderstorm. the rhythm really beautiful! I had to choose from online radio music or the nature gift, and finally I muted my artificial speaker and opt out rhythm outside in late dark silence. the rains is so rich that my quilt in decades first time turned wet and a bit uncomfortable. God dad, it's so good. this week I also researched new chromebox product line and felt high time to equip myself one. in almost a week I thought it over where to fund it, till holy message let me give up till I my own can afford it. It's sad to bye from it but more reasonable, for most computers we had still in their support life cycle within next year. I love them, and would easily let them retired. the night before yesterday I felt too happy to waste, so I buzzed my 3rd elder sister. her son again seemingly unhappy with my call and likely deterred it. when I talked with my sister, she also seemingly in unrest. now I saw possibly their family in trouble: her daughters-in-law turned hostile to her. their lesbian tendency puzzled my sister and her sons. the wives lost vision and discipline, while my sister and her family inexperienced. in latest lunar spring festival we stayed together back to 2016, I should noticed the unbalance of harmony but I usually don't probing. God dad, the sin of fallen women in my life taught me lesson already. I hope glory of my family, under title Zhu and Crown of China Empire, didn't hurt those little wives. God dad, care my relatives in need. and heal those envious hearts in shine of holy.
these days also might be hard for my son, who just entered his summer vacation while I let him wait for August to visit and linger my dorm for couple days. his sinful mother again attempted to censor it and probably set hurdles. while I busy with financial supportive, I saw so many hard while exciting moments ahead. God dad, our hope is your mercy. let summer 2018 arrives our hearts that praying for growth. in this tipping world torn by trade war and hate war, let's reunite in one in unity, or consolidate us in common sense of future non-disputable, for coming world of my title, of Holy blessing, wouldn't be scattered anymore. (shits! PRC surveillance might broke my pc, here again during my writing broke down my internet, which never happened in 2 weeks after failed attempt to punish over our new equipment last 2 months.)
It is the most beautiful summer since I settled here for near 30 years. while the season is swift here on higher altitude, I hope sooner arrival of the sultry, and lingering season of beautiful female flesh and sunny skyline. God dad, bring me sooner my Royal China, and my Crown Queen from Japan, Asoh Yukiko. grant me another chromebox for its hyper-system above chromeOS and Android. in foreseeable future, google will bring 3rd OS merging Linux, Android, ChromeOS, let us affordable for the wonderful experience google brings. in my son's coming visit, let me afford a more satisfying arrangement of dining, play, exercise, and pure gathering. thx dad God, in this cloudy morning.
Jul 6, 2018
dreamed first I shopping online at jd.com, Chinese copycat of amazon.com. I detailedly dreamed to fill its form, and a female helped and checked it. I always distrust the e-commercial site, whose founder is a graduate majors Literature from Peking Univ. and almost my peer. his family name is Liu, a domineer name in China since first native Chinese Empire, Han Dynasty, founded after their title. then dreamed in a Zhu's village, but not my hometown, where also all villagers under title Zhu's, who contributed to last native Chinese ruling Empire Ming Dynasty. I saw their leader summoned and ordered youth team, woman team, etc to execute different tasks and heading to different destine outside of the village. there were hundred people there under command. this is a pale morning, I believe coming a sultry summer, even might be sooner of the heat due to here higher latitude. last dusk I reviewed once upon a time, an infant held by an old woman watching I buying snack from nearby dorm gate vendor. I thought my snack too cheap so I didn't share with him after the snack cooked. I felt I should better offering him the snack but I thought it was too cheap and he is enough, so I just walk away with my snack. when I regretted and returned to dorm gate trying save my error and buy the infant another, they had left. I was so sorry that I still remember it. then I prayed God to allow my redemption. then I thought my son's neighbor kid is an innocent kid, from his childhood I still memorized, even now he more turned like his dad, physical ready to bull those weaker. so I prayed God to allow my inviting him dining out once more with us and I felt we were granted. so the night I buzzed my son to inform the neighbor and made it ready. my son nodded while his bitchy mom aside scorned and opposed as usual. God dad, let the insane woman go away from our agenda, turns back to her dirty and sinful lair. we also intended to watch movie this Saturday now that PRC surveillance deprived the summer vacation all blockbuster. till yesterday we found cheapest ticket for a movie is when it just on show; if u missed it, you will pay far more to review it. so I persuade my son pick a less hot movie from their cinema season rather than catching up old one, 'incredible 2', and we did, that would be 2 weeks later for us going cinema. this week I saw so many bliss and boring in my current life. I had to wait and wait for glory, for coming gathering of achievement. my life almost half empty to fill, for backup view of the vein creates. God, dad, if I meant to be secondary, let my life humble. in this rain season, I had sipped so many blessing rains that was strange in decades. I saw my hometown dream closer to me, to my destine. show the world, esp Chinese, my privilege upon the land, upon the Empire of China, under title Zhu and my glorious ancestor. bring me sooner my Crown Queen from Japan, Asoh Yukiko, and my new family, Royal China. enrich my earth life with lives and meanings. thx dad God.
Jul 2, 2018
passed week is the most financially gifted period in my life. first I got an installment from Alipay for my son, woz's new mobile to replace his worn 2 cellphones. then the vendor, Asus mobile, refund us ¥800 even lately reached us. then my younger brother offered us 200 as his payment to launch a conversation with me. then my nephew, ie. 1st son of my best beloved 3rd elder sister's, who operates an online clothes store at taobao.com, refund us 500 after we sent him 400 for thanks he bought us clothes. I used it to renew our domain, zho.io for 2 years. my son didn't pay enough appreciation to those new clothes, esp short pants with mobile pocket, under his sinful mom's force, but I urged him doing so and it fixed. we both put on new short pants after shower. his new mobile, Asus zenfone 3, with an international approach and won favor among international developers' endeavor, bring us alternative ROM to replace malware infected PRC restricted OS the devil CCP government controlled in the territory before its scattering fatally. the new OS, Android 8.1, is the latest OS we ever have, that's very exciting and update in tech fans like us. we are so proud of our choice of Asus, with which we now had its 4 products, ie. chromebox, chromebook, monitor, mobile. its refund, out of expectation and our best surprise, proceeds a week. I pre-spend it and pray its descending after exciting purchases including my first smartwatch, pebble v1, and my son's in apps' purchase at google play store. the kind vendor always pacifies me with promise, but I was unease so much. In God's affirmative, I witness the grace in time and fully. my mean younger brother in guise of paying my coach, sent me 200 before launch a conversation. he tentatively delayed promised support of my boarding to dorm canteen in half year, ¥700/mon, as he let me know in the late night talk for my tip on his new adventure to open new business in our hometown against losing profit PRC government depriving his establish in cause of industrial pollution, trying hurt me and hate of my peaceful life. in this morning, sunny and usual, God dad, bring me sooner my Royal China. leave me evil temptation from my dark relatives and PRC surveillance. prepare us steady development of life and skill, and passionate as our zhone's publishing, and woz's gaming and STEM interest. this week also reminded me of danger in PRC, esp here in QRRS. an once dorm lodger, an once graduate newer several years than me enrolled by the SOE, turned dogs and inspired by mafia, tried to coerce me after first tried to humiliate me by ignore my nod weeks ago. he put on black mask half face hidden and threaten me with mob's attitude, on way again my dusk routine jog. He is a bit shorter than me and almost peer of mine while lost so desperate comparing with me, like most common ground once we had under sin of PRC. my dorm room lock likely under hack by dorm administrative staff, ie. the electric tech worker, an old mule trying tear after hopeless challenged me. the neighbor half room of the toilet, formerly warehouse, now occupied by administrative woman, in role both worker/staff and lodger. in that cover the cow easily broke into my dorm and poison me or surveillance me. God dad, I knew the holy protection, still I hope sooner the removal of insecure environment, save of dignity. bring me sooner my new family, my Crown Queen from Japan, Asoh Yukiko, and my 2nd child. save me from anxiousness of future financial support. grant us light joy in this weekend cinema time.
Jun 19, 2018
dreamed of historical starvation. then in my Hometown joined workers cross ten miles of new industry area to find canteen to lunch. my once Hometown pal, Zhu Zhongwang, fetched our ready food and cooked for us to lunch. he is a worker there while I just a visitor. it was likely several decade ago soon after open policy in PRC. it's a golden morning. exercising people with speaker makes outside hot. last night one of my favorite episodes, "Roseanne", banned by USA media enterprises and I hated its disappearance. It's a good product and my night TV time left with large empty to fill. I chose "crucifier" instead as recently it appears on social media but the mob theme disgusting me, esp futural surreal ability drove me away. I need truth of life, esp American normal life alike. even missing in tasteless but online radio still let me forget late night. yesterday was lunar dragon boat holiday. I had my only meal of noodle. I tipped the small restaurant owner ten more bucks for appreciation working in holiday. on dusk jog I offered a homeless mid-aged man with my only 1 CNY. I had quite productive talk with my son, woz, about arrangement of his gears, esp new Asus flip chromebook for video interview between us. he reluctant to use it well with his due reservation but he is adopting the wonderful ultrabook in my urging. his nexus 6 breaking, screen panel leaving mainboard, so I bought new back shell from taobao.com to tighten it. I really itching to see its functional in coming days. last Saturday is our monthly cinema day. I penniless to fetch my son from his piano class to cinema at No.1 Supermarket of Qiqihar. the aunt of his mom visiting and accompanied the grandma to escort my son's lesson. QRRS, my once workplace, distributed a free food coupon so I shifted it to the grandma and its seemingly graciously on time. we watched "Jurassic park 2" and it was almost a blockbuster. but I always inspired by spirit, not animal including wild and astonishing huge one. after movie dinner was hotpot. I penniless and woz forgot to bring his wallet on which I counted. I blamed him for unprepared. PRC surveillance likely hated my coaching power in sms exchange with my nephew and my younger brother, both has their sufficient small business, so they hacked my phone to ruin my texting: it kept refreshing screen in about twelve seconds and let input method constantly whitewashed my wording, let composing failing and failing. in the urgent Saturday afternoon in the restaurant we grouponed, the refreshing screen let my transferring money via mobile a nightmare. the hacked android just unworkable. later I shifted it to woz for his smaller finger to click but he even can't execute to evade the failing refreshing screen. so I open my chromebook to transfer money into debit card from his remnants in alipay yuebao. I did 3 times to resolve our problem. first transferring from digital payment tool to bank card can't on account daily but next day, so wasted; secondly didn't prepare enough for ATM procedure fee, 4 CNY, so it refuses serving smallest bill from total 103 CNY I managed to prepare; third time I had more than 105 CNY on account costing 2 transactions and ATM withdraw successfully. my son and I finally rejoiced and we ordered additional dish of mutton. our life just so pinched. the June 2018 saw lots of small rains. last night I first time replace winter quilt with lighter one, and it's cozy. now It's workday morning. God dad, grant us anxious free salary day. prepare us meaningful financial support for woz summer vacation when I will invite him linger some weeks in my dorm. bring me sooner my Royal China, my Crown Queen from Japan, Asoh Yukiko. bring me workload adequate in my fifties', persistent and progressive.