Oct 19, 2016
dreamt helping Japan in war. it's a lengthy dream. at first Japan just in war and everywhere Japanese motivated and celebrated to join army. I happened to be in Japan and take part in their parties, from rooms to streets, learning their culture in ritual. then I applied to join their army and likely accepted. but it's all in prewar, I just saw group of soldiers busy with their operations. later in a room for war donation, I gave all my money, ¥335. the staff recognized me and teased me on my donation, but I made him registered my share. the dream delayed me from breakfast, but it's such a strange dream. yesterday I busied more than half day trying install google apps suite on my cheap Chinese smartphone yet failed. its bit boring to hack the gear. and I saw Chinese government blocked google service in one hand while buying from world wide to develop most hacking tools on the other hand, bring malware to wall breaker through those exploit tools, just aiming compromising its citizen's security and privacy. I wouldn't take the bait. the world is sadder for the poor, even google itself increase their smartphone's price, while its gapps suite so hard to install on Chinese product for it in conflict of their service. and dictation in PRC day in day risks common Chinese life and future to build war reservoir against mostly its civilian, then the US which responsible for world democracy and peace. in no way the tyrant in PRC will stop playing arson via its arsenal before forced to quit their dangerous suicide, like spoiled son of bitch in north Korea in cult of wicked worship and dead totalitarian. God, dad, we suffered so much in welcome the world democracy, in Christian united world of just and independent. bring me sooner my Royal China to sustain progress China maintains since Ming Dynasty under my ancestor's title, Zhu. bring me new family and offspring with my beloved girls, Asoh Yukiko, Lyu, TW. grant my son and me new flight journey, finace independent, and booming cyberspace startup, our portal online for Royal China and democratic China.
Oct 17, 2016
dreamt with Iron Man Elon Musk. he first introduced himself to me on a party. then I with him to his factory where I saw his rocket, which has 3 different speed empower to exceed gravity of air, earth, and sun. there are some pupils made advantage of his device and nail the window open and instant shift from one side of reality to another by climbing over the window. then saw Musk's family, his ongoing projects including raising fund, his charm among people. this week a bit busy: I tried hard to install google apps on my cheap new smartphone. comparing India where every new smartphone should have google apps ready, I can safely assert PRC losing in coming decade by turning down its people qualified service like google and all free web and shift to its domestic poor copycat inherits sinful monster and ugly. PRC people lose so much in strangling with its top-down dictatorial enslavement. on weekend reuniting my son, woz, we proud of our time together. due to mounting surveillance over my son's vpn, I had to spend more time just got his android applications updated from google play store. but anything elsewhere likely went smoothly. we felt triumphant upon economic pinning down, dangerous circumstance around us, all by PRC dictation who more and more insanely fearful under our demonstration and turbulent PRC social unstable. we recently seldom play windows game, for downloading from steam or origin heavily lagged by China surveillance. we just cope with free web and security update. last Saturday heat system starts in service, and the dorm turns much better for dwelling. even in my solitude, dogs around in the dorm desperate entangle me. the gay in nearby room using his pretend coughs as weapon and spit quite messily on corridor and disgusted me. the big dog also humiliates me with his ill surveillance: every night if I go to bed later, he will stay his door open and make alarm sounds on corridor to urge my sedative, as if any of his business or concern. I pray God disappears the sin and free me from poisonous environment. God dad, bring me sooner my Royal China, bring me a tidy work and life space anxious free. grant us free of wants, finance independence, borderless web. in coming season allow us to renew our web assets as scheduled. thx for this sunny morning, God dad.
Oct 10, 2016
dreamt of preparing my passport. this 2 weeks a bit astray: I much glad to enjoy our new gadgets and their functional. also reunited my son in celebration of PRC holiday. we went movie, visited my dorm. before his tour with his revengeful mom, I warned him about dangers in travel and hope he less with his mom's desperate tour. the day before yesterday on way returning to my dorm, there was almost an accident: a motorist hit me and crashed my phablet in my notebook bag. thanks God, I was intact. then I ordered a replacement from taobao.com. this dawn I dreamt a lot about applying Unite State's passport. It likely links to my elder sister's recent call in which she let me know my nephew's wedding near lunar new year and invited us free flight to join them. at first I gladly admitted, then found my dearest sister, 3rd elder sister, didn't really invite us. what's more, my younger brother likely covertly plotted framing us in humiliation for we are currently too poor. so I told my son we might rebuff it. Then holy spirit affirms me the hometown journey, our 3rd flight tour. in dream I first don't know how to compose application, only puzzled in wording of causes. then gradually I see the categories of travel intention, like business information, visiting friend, tourism, etc. then saw in dream I chose BIX or something stands for business information exchange as my reason for the passport, and lots of uncertainty of the audit outcome. I pee once then dreamt again the applying process. in the end my senior middle school alumnus, Chao Lixin, who aided me get my first domain, be21zh.org, and a scholar in US since his Phd, and Wujiang, my Nankai Univ alumnus now a professor in US, dropped me a visit. the former kindly check my application and offer some tips, while the latter look through my form. I finally got insight the meaning of categories of travel causes, and saw large flow Chinese in PRC moving cross border. I saw what happening in American embassy in China and their handling of passport application. God, my life can be confined by mainland of PRC, but grant my son and my other offspring free migration among Christian united one world. bring woz to peaceful nation before PRC war bubble burst out. bring me sooner my Royal China to bring peace onto the eastern Asia. grant me financial independence and complete annual renewal of all my domain and hosting plan. grant woz his 4th flight to his grandpa's hometown and merry union with his cousins there. thx, dad, in God's mercy.
Sep 30, 2016
dreamt relocated within QRRS. in dawn dream I was assigned by my once and long time employer, QRRS, again and work for its labor union. I was called by the director, who told me my routine before read his newspaper. I then interviewed by some other leaders in the department. most of my job is dispatching newspaper, and at first I missed and the director asking my sending his desk. then I discussed him about digitalization of those subscribed newspaper for available for all staff at same time in additional searchable feature. later dreamt detailedly gaming, in which we drive and fly through all scenes of urgent flee before destroy all enemies blocking. coming PRC national day holiday I previously arranged my son going cinema with me, then shopping Walmart and finally ported a night in my dorm. but his mom, the cheap small woman, again will bring my son in tourism. the relentless bitch desperately compete with me by offering my son evil and destructive gift like travel. she never shared her tuition earnings while occupied the house all time and does no chores when we lived together. she didn't earn much from her jobs so cheap but she never stop attempting won my son from me with her poisonous offer. Dad, God, my son in many cases stupidly trying annoying me after received his mom's stupid gift like tourism by ignoring my message via digital gadgets I equipped him in last years. Dad God, free him from his mom's stupid and stubborn like beast. he and his mom both do no hurt me by that mean behavior substantially but just make me sad. in my life blessed, I saw so many poor quality persons including my siblings, women around me. God dad, I just need a considerate partner so long, without cheating, without silent war, without psycho problem. why I so hard to win world in my wise and faith unbeatable? God, dad, bring me sooner my Royal China to family me. bring my girls, Asoh Yukiko, girl TW, girl LYU, to soothe my pains among embarrassing qualified poor people. grant me financial independence, warm me and embed me with firmer holy commitment. thx dad!