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Saturday, March 06, 2010

a busy week.

a busy day with full work load.^woke up&arrived office at 8:50am. lots of dreams but slept sound. in office posted rest of old videos from baby's mom, emakingir's shot, on baby's kindergarten's last year's party, when i lingered in my hometown to avoid poisons spying eyes upon my relation with my baby son, the brightest star of the earth's skyline. backup recent posts in txt to online office. attending download for tomorrow i will bring baby son more pleasure with games in it. listening radio of bible in noon break. tried to let my new music collection manager, songbird, an open source software, to update itself with lyrics from web database. read&commented most of afternoon. the 2 dogs in office stayed there later than 6pm, the facing evil even stayed there seeing my leave. baby's mom, emakingir buzzed in when bitings thick, let my os hanged at once. talked about extending broadband service she handled today, as i let in last night's buzz. dined with noodle&pies, in regard tomorrow i can eat fried beef as baby's mom told. when i left the restaurant i noticed the office was dark, indicating the facing demon soon left after my absent. bought food on way to celebrate God's bliss on me when i read undisturbed among dirt&death challenge. hope Masheng assures me my intact with another bright day, for this afternoon the morning's pale sky turns sunny. in dorm ate seeds in music&solely surrounded by it after quite eating near 8:20pm.

a packed day, rebuild clean os faultless.^worked by croak of crows. still felt weak within me. in office listening radio after posted tweet. attending download lately after checked latest postings. near 3pm launched to rebuild ready os, fixed problem from previous backup. the monitor stayed there till 6pm. i narrowly finished backup after 7pm. dined with noodle&pies. its snowing when i left the office. Masheng, kill dirty&let my works today rewarding, ie. a real working&secure os against frequent hacking from China surveillance. baby's mom, emakingir buzzed in via gmail in late afternoon, discussed my next visit. baby son today first day join his kindergarten since his mom's winter vacation. she also told me her os likely infected. my os also likely infected this afternoon. God, i trust my works online with u, trust holy message&valuable history of my Empire in moulding with u. let the pure white tonight covers the corpse of spies&surveillance. read on bed till near 11pm.

a day in watch.^got up first time without clock. felt gloomy&weak. arrived office at 8:30am. It likely snowed last night. on the way doubting where my girl zhou is, &how is her new business. in office read after posting. backup some data to gdocs. since noon, launched restored&re-prepared a healthy os, for since last time update its sound driver, it hanged 3 times without any precaution. patched os with all native drivers from official sites&backup. near 5pm finished it. sorted portable. for the office in tomb chill, left soon after work time, likely near 5:30pm. its again a full work day i stayed in office. after returned dorm, found canteen still down. my room was re-arranged, my scattered items resorted, likely someone visited it, or prepared newcomer. ate sausage&seeds. dined out near 6:30pm, again with pies&noodle. last night too full&let me uncomfortable this morning. jogged around QRRS front space as usual after dinner. blogged after returned home. in music review some old videos&photos from baby's mom, emakingir's shot, in baby's kindergarten's party. baby's helpless among his peers deeply shocked me, remind me how baby still need my affirmative. Masheng, i know u call me, call me on duty to care my baby. grand me power and tool to guard baby son, our pre-son, God of Universe. grand me glory and decent to do my job, to manifest God's mighty and merits on this shabby planet.

5th snow in lunar 2010.^ema cooked my porridge, left to her school before i got up. the grandma also arrived to care baby son. i held baby son on my shoulders and asked if he want to keep my camera&notebook, he only accept my cellphone. so i felt i would like to resume to live single now that i stepped into growing my Royal, after last night melting love&pardon for baby's mom, emakingir. then i update baby's desktop's game list, tried some with baby son. but 2 games i looked upon failed me. kissingg baby&left to QRRS office. the small snow still drifting, so auspicious. Masheng, i know ur love upon me, upon my baby son, upon my cared. u kill dirt again, but also bring my girls, esp. my girl zhou, my 3rd wife, into my new life. posted tweets, then read. refined family google profiles, adding sidewiki. office evil heavily bit. chatted with baby's mom, emakingir, online, arranged next visit in which i will shower&rent her additional cheap cellphone. sorted stuff newly got before lefe to dorm. in dorm review love between baby&me, his sainity&gifted power. it turns bright sunny in afternoon. Masheng, these days i was reminded my 3rd son, with my Taiwan girl with who in my life so far met only twice. when baby still doesn't learn to speak, i talked him i want the girl exactly he, my baby son, arranged to meet up when i carried him haunting near his mom's house, back to 2006 or so, without glasses. in holy message i assure she from Taiwan, and our marriage forged by my baby son. she is the brightest girl in my wives, her perfect figure, and independent attitude admired in our first time, when baby son let me following her into a Taiwan feature snack shop near baby's mom's house, and in the occasion she yet didn't let me see her face, by standing with back to us. that's our first sight. God, Masheng, i will never afford to miss her in my life, for the moment i felt so satisfied by her.
Ok, its a nice day, i know from the start u testifies ur saint deed in front me. dear, my dear Sun, pl sooner join me, and let my girls come to me sooner. i need a new life, u know.
in office refined some family posterous accounts, adding new group profiles, adding more group members from family to streamline posting to blocked sites within China, esp video&photo hosting sites, like youtube, vimeo, flick, picasaweb, etc. finished it till 7pm. sorted portable suite. asked baby's mom, emakingir, if want to chat, she refute, so left to dine. in dorm felt its a important moment for my family, and want to talk with baby&his mom. but gave up by picking blogging. God, let me grows, and so does my Royal of China.

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

regret for baby son drove us reunited in mid night.

5th snow in lunar 2010.^ema cooked my porridge, left to her school before i got up. the grandma also arrived to care baby son. i held baby son on my shoulders and asked if he want to keep my camera&notebook, he only accept my cellphone. so i felt i would like to resume to live single now that i stepped into growing my Royal, after last night melting love&pardon for baby's mom, emakingir. then i update baby's desktop's game list, tried some with baby son. but 2 games i looked upon failed me. kissing baby&left to QRRS office. the small snow still drifting, so auspicious. Masheng, i know ur love upon me, upon my baby son, upon my cared. u kill dirt again, but also bring my girls, esp. my girl zhou, my 3rd wife, into my new life.

a work day.^bright morning. got up at 7:09am&visit office at once. sorted photos shot last night, when all fireworks&cracker, posted them with a blog entry. fine tuned my google buzz to depute repeat postings. read&tried bluetooth earphone with radio of bible. upgraded GPRS bundle with sms code. in the mid a telcom representative buzzed in, want to suggest favorite pack, but i mistakenly hold off. chatted with hometown folk now in Shenzhen awhile. let download&sorted stuff near work time over. most of the afternoon i was left alone in office. video chat with baby's mom, emakingir, after work time, help her familiar with gmail&gtalk. found a txt novel sites fit for her likeness&need to download onto her pmp reader, sent her the bookmark. tried some tips in articles. dined with noodle&pies. this time the old woman respectable. cracked seeds then haunted outside for fresh message. shot some photos for the full moon too bright&perfect to miss, but without a tripod i hardly capture the serene of the full moon. bought some food on way. listening music after logged. catalog cliparts assets newly got from web. neighbor evil bit heavily, till reading magazine "playboy" drove the dirt far from me. surfed later than 10:30pm. on bed regret of my rebuffing baby's asking to have my cellphone for he likes it, in latest visit when i wrongly suggested to buy him a new one when he grows 10 years old,  turns strong, for he, God of Universe, can't fail. i first want to leave my cellphone on this weekends' visit, but later the idea turns strong that i should visit him in the night, and let baby choose if he want to have my Fuji camera&Acer notebook, both he shown likeness, and recognized my new marriage's descending not depend on my will but God's arrangement, i shouldn't silly sternly demand my girls' join, but will of good works. so i put on and visit baby's mom's house, lately around 12am. there i kissed baby who in dream, and slept alone in bedroom as ema lets. this morning found its snowing shallowly, God, u sees.

Monday, March 01, 2010

bright lunar Lantern Day, the night China here in war field sonically with fireworks.


bright lunar lantern day.^sound sleep. dreamed a lot. woke up by loud crackers all around for today its lunar Lantern Day. put on&urinated then slept again till 12:17. visited telcom's office for i mistaken today as March 1st, but the telcom's clerk let me visit on next day. in office search the web, trying to fix my notebook had problem recognizing my bluetooth earphone, fixed with acer's native driver near 5pm, listening awhile bible radio via my bluetooth earphone. canteen still down, so picked a nearby restaurant, whose feature food is Chinese dumplings but operation quite western, ie. standardized, open kitchen, background music, enough lighting, etc. i ate a bowl of rice&a dish of noodle. buzzed ema, talking my elation with my new gadget. she brought baby son visiting one of her relatives. its a nice day, God sees. when i settled to listening music, fireworks&cracker outside ran rampant. notebook hanged first time since i update its sound driver. i waited for noise outside to fade but till 7:09pm i found time due to haunt outside. there r several places near QRRS front door collectively fire fireworks, and large crowd of the residents lingered by. i shot some photos, for the moon too large&bright, but what's disappointing, my camera had problem to present its cool bright. ate seeds in dorm after returned. the neighbor evils heavily biting when i ate. i doubting if buzzed baby son, but felt the evil spying minds around polluting, so quit. so launched to blog while in music. surfed later than 10:30pm.


got my first bluetooth earphone, while baby got my bonus from QRRS.^got up at 9am, went to baby's mom's home at once. there i synchronizes new data among 3 computers, installed new games for baby, tried some with baby. introduced new&handy tools, like google chrome extensions, to ema&urged her frequent them. lunched there with rice&fried meat. enjoyed some golden moment with baby son on my shoulders. then bought my bluetooth earphone&some blank dvds from computer market. tried new gadget in office, backup data to dvd. its all time a bright day. a cyberspace person talked to me in qq. posted tweet. dined with rice&vegetable. tried the bluetooth earphone, succeeded with my cellphone but wasn't recognized by my notebook. i also need a ear support for the gadget. listening music with notebook till 10:30pm, surfed on wap, slpet around 11:30pm.

From our lunar new year of 2010
From our lunar new year of 2010
From our lunar new year of 2010
From some old photos from emakingir

for google album blocked within China mainland, here some copies hosted domestically:

baby son, warrenzh, 朱楚甲, Hope of China, in gaming.

fireworks over QRRS stadium, in lunar lantern day night.

some old photos from emakingir when i lingered in my hometown in Hubei Prov.: baby in birthday celebration.

See and download the full gallery on posterous