Oct 19, 2018
dreamt visiting my teenage friend, Fan Yifu, who likely resident in Wuhan or Xi'an metropolis during my relocation. his brothers also there jammed in a condo hardly refurnished among a dense residential area or slum. in the morning they all busy with heading to their offices and left me alone even I had to pay their bills. that reminds me how PRC peasants' offspring in PRC open policy decades, how they earn from USA buyers and supported by USA cash flow from pure famine, how they fed their hooligan government now turns aggressive and doomed fate of been upgraded, how their new young families left with now in half poverty. the Fan, previously a junior middle school teacher graduated from normal college, relentlessly these years not to be dropped by my higher education comparably and finally earned a musician higher education and now a faculty in western China university. our friendship turned bilaterally diluted. yesterday our second chromebox 3 arrived, after many anxious checks in its logistics. PRC surveillance around insanely attempted to break amid when I preparing enabling it. I will unbox it with my son, woz, in this dusk when he monthly visits his dad's dorm. its so exciting for me, for after so many frustrations we still in the reward of our fights, the free wardless web. last night I was again blocked from watching episodes via kodi. they even sometimes let my chromeOS ill performance, say browser's theme messed up, kodi within forked andriod environment exit or hangup abnormally. but since yesterday my podcast stream turned more fluent, likely insane PRC surveillance policy adjusted. God dad, where is freedom of choice of internet content? where is our right to enjoy our lives at will? bring me sooner my Royal China, bring me sooner my Crown Queen from Japan, Asoh Yukiko, for better life after high quality Japanese wins from their ambitions world war. bring us people powered government, and God inspired Royal family under my title. thx God in this golden sunny morning.
Oct 13, 2018
dreamt strangely about some PRC Henanian and Shandong migrants on new land where I saw in dream. their secret gangster waving wars for sovereign. I saw a gangster from Shandong migrants contacting Heinan's for something, passing their tomb area and cautious maneuver over the host tribe. the dream quite strange but still I felt my son with me in the dream. last weeks very busy for me, includes 2 overnight works. I successfully flashed custom rom on my son's new HTC 10, updated its os from v 7 to Android v8.1, evaded bloater apps inherits from native OS, esp malware from PRC. another task carried out is preparing woz's new chromebox 3. I thought I can do something before draining waiting for its half month arrival from amazon China's overseas logistics, I prepared my current chromebox 3 months ago just bought, for migrating to my son's usage. the main goal is to install dual boot on its 32 GB ssd, which found too pinched for 2 OSes. the world developer community too short time to response the chromebox officially released this June, results in no working hack to boot any usual bootable ISO on the platform. I prepared several linux installation usb images and trying install them onto the chromebox 3 but all sucks. the only script hack to install linxu manually online onto chromebox is through chrx.org's service, yet our chromebox's fresh new kabylake cpu architecture refused it. after all the failure, I rejoiced with google chromeOS' rebostness to restore from recovery usb made online. in less than half hour, our chromebox restored to factory default and I called hacking a satisfying end. I contented with chromeOS solely on the 32 GB ssd minipc. in the mean time, dorm canteen denied loan for my monthly bill to return alipay's virtual credit, amount ¥1500, claimed their last loan 2000 CNY to buy our second chromebox drained their most, while I took granted that the loan referred above is an one time specific loan while alipay credit loan has been routine one. so I asked my nephew who managing online shop at taobao for helping me cope the shortage. he second time extended his arm graciously. next day after I settled my chromebox and preparing monthly cinema with my son, I really penniless and had to contacted my hometown 2nd elder sister for aid. her granddaughter just underwent surgery in Beijing still she generously loaned me ¥1000. with it I returned dorm canteen 500 for affirmative, then I completed groupon our monthly cinema and dine out. PRC cinema here in Qiqihar underwent changes largely: much less shows for our favorite foreign blockbusters, even there were few, their schedule mostly unsuitable for hot moments in leisure time neither our optional. however we still picked one this month. and taobao.com, the largest ecommercial in PRC, now trying restrict my purchase online, with countless failing verification upon any trade, attests PRC insane surveillance's fear of the power of my choice. God, dad, grant us a wonderful monthly relax today. bring me sooner my Royal China. bring me my Crown Queen from Japan, Asoh Yukiko. secure our workspace wardless web and fruitful daily. in this golden Autumn morning, Dad God, release my wish for improving our live, upbeats world pulse at large.
Sep 27, 2018
dreamt witness my younger brother hard earning his corporate. near coast he risk his life to stumble in mud as high as half waist covered and dropped power line electrified the thick water. he likely collected sea product from coastal sea. our mother likely over-watched our meals. last night sms chat with my nephew, IE. 2nd son of my 2nd elder brother, directed his usage of our shifted him chromebox. he first didn't know his smart TV I ordered him from taobao.com in rush needs to switch to hdmi source. so his TV screen disconnects from chromebox and let him doubting if need a new additional screen. after found his ignorance, he rush to install web cam but failed to setup it. I shown him skype remotely and he reported on other end it was working and saw my cam stream. lately around 11pm I went to bed and felt hard to sleep for the satisfying result of migration of our old chromebox. he previously reluctant to talk with anyone but now he offered me his mobile number. and I felt his enthusiasm for tech. in this week I also ordered my son a new chromebox from amazon China, to replace the displaced lounge pc. dorm canteen promised to loan me, but my nephew, IE 1st son of my elder sister's, cashed before canteen loan on book. my nephew quite smart and understood my situation at once my entrust, I really grateful and thanks God our lovable families. its a sunny morning, God dad, bring sooner my Royal China for better life I can have now. bring me my Crown Queen from Japan, Asoh Yukiko. coming PRC national day I penniless, grant me bread for the long vacation. grant us a working HTC 10 which on road returning from vendor's repair after I ruined it with custom rom. dad God, thanks for such a wonderful fruitful operation pack.
Sep 20, 2018
dreamt of previous colleague, Xu, a guy sometimes listened to me, asked me about cheating way. in field esp a stream among farming fields, he washed his pack and listened to me why my cheating way not working for him and fixation aftermath. his long time department leader, Ma, also appeared in dream. this is a sunny morning. recently I found new way to entertain myself. I listen to English podcast via my mobile on which open web enabled, while sunburn outside twice or more the dorm mini-garden. mobile data plan we bought mindless now harnessed for good. these days also sleepy after breakfast. obviously PRC surveillance burned lots of brains to espionage my work routine and attempted to ruin it, clog it interim. they prepare their interrogation every minute before fatal strike aiming ends me. I immersed myself in enjoyable balance daily. they also tried to control people I concerned, esp dancer woman, jogging women I glad to share my dusk roaming time with, coerced them into cooperative wrapping us under tombstone. sunburn let me hunger, and I ate my dinner much delicious and ate more. God dad, let me anxious free upon my daily bread. grant us new working mobile, HTC 10, from damage. let this salary day recharges me and coming Mid-Autumn day with fun. let my coming birthday decorated with cake I promised my son, after found he enjoy his birthday cake so much. bring me sooner my Royal China to sustain my life praying so hard. bring my Crown Queen from Japan, Asoh Yukiko, for extending my life under summer time. let my workload fruitful and grows with my emerging Empire of China. founding my land with prosperity.