Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Friday, December 05, 2014
if time ripes.
dreamt of alumnus & proud of my own.^ these days busy with maintenance family web assets, against joblessness. last night busy with sorting bookmarks to reflect subdomains of family 17 domains till 23:30. the insane couples in neighbor dorm stalked me 7*24 and desperately demonstrated me their sick doings, after so many years evil eavesdropping through the thin paper wall of the cheap dorm. they dying for meaningless and self-destruction. in dawn dream I prepared master degree entrance exam in a campus, in a study hall. a girl tried to sell me lesson books. then I saw my classmate in NanKai Univ, who once scored highest in Henan Prov. undergraduate exam and proud son of our campus mentor, now a tenured professor in US specifying in Buddhism. I saw he in dream returned to China and turned into a mentor in campus, usually spy of tyrant Communist party in sinking PRC, too, while our mentor, a woman, now promoted to high rank of university director board. another schoolmate whose father was a professor in his hometown, migrated to Canada at once after graduation,also appeared in my dream. after woke up I felt so luck I am dreaming bigger, and God lets it sound and consolidated. It snowed last night, but not a heavy one. God, this month billing of my credit card coming, help me cope with hard economy. my promised land, my Empire, summon ur resources leading us onto highland of wealth. bring me sooner my Royal China to allow my work at home, with my children that's future of eastern Asia. thx dad, God.30/11/2014
dreamt of gracious woman as national proud.^ last dusk I visited my son after a week in which quite some changes happened, like my determination to seek out my new family and my other children Heavenly grants. my son treated me heartedly as usual. when I left he asked me staying longer aside him watching TV animation. in dawn I again got up later, even my son urged me to visit him earlier.I dreamt beautiful woman as national treasure and grace inherited by revolution leader, likely France Maximilien François Marie Isidore de Robespierre. the split of traditional and revolutional and merges. also I dreamt in 1930's China before civil war. I had insight from the dream PRC's successful communists preceders and their inspiration in celebrity women. then dreamt in Nankai Univ some sophormers held a debate competition and invited me join. I just researched China recent history and has findings about communists and their loves. God, bring me sooner my Royal China. bring me sooner my love, tall beautiful understanding young girl I have been so amazed at & craving for. its a cloudy morning, but God, I look forward holy gift for my gathering with my son. thx, dad, God.28/11/2014
dreamed of harms toward my son. ^ this week I was mostly busy with deploying my zohosites, which so powerful while easy to use. early stage works includes most exciting functions connecting media source like twitter, facebook, google plus, deadly blocked in PRC and in unaccessible.casually I also recognized even powerful google sites harnesses, esp. embeddable elements/gadgets/snippets, when I compared it with zohosites, when my usual rash usage of the former under China surveillance never makes full fledge of it, damned broken & slow page loading result in bad user experience tampers my more improving study of the free site building/hosting portal. last night my youngest elder sister told me the day her first son married. lots of visitors including relatives celebrating the wedding ceremony. in dawn dream I continued seeing dangers threatening my son. the biggest is his mom took him away from me. then goes the insane and criminals. the bitchily sluggish woman carelessness put my son in mortally dangerous envies and revenges against him, who is so brilliant and precious. I dreamt bring my son into camping activities, where I again saw harmful attempts toward my son, including criminal defamation. I tried to help, but threats so thick that I hardly coped. God, my life needs moves on into new family, my other children need enter this world to complete me. with my children fortitude, with securer my first son, woz, in his plurality. God, my girls looking for our family long enough for usual people, bring us home on my promised land, in Royal China. God, u promised me taller, younger, smart & cuter girl accompanies me. take me there we start our relation graciously.thx, dad, God.21/11/2014
dreamt of infant son. ^this month salary dispatched earlier, and surprisingly restored to usual amount, ¥2132, after 2 months drop. recently I bought son a winter coat from amazon China. it arrived last Sunday but I previously intended to put on son when he visit my dorm this Saturday. but cheering salary yesterday changes my mind and I brought the gift visit son at 4pm Thursday. I proposed my son to dine out but his mom tentatively denied, saying she will dine out with son. she had complained my buying son dates several times, when I bought again last Sunday my son dates, the sick woman ditched directly on Wednesday, never ate one. I paid her to wash my clothes for I usually shower with son in public spa nearby his community and in convenience left clothes there,but yesterday I saw my dirty clothes in bag untouched for a week. the woman wanted me dirty and sick. left my son prematurely I prayed God forgiving the vicious woman and leave us alone for delicious life with my son enjoys so far. in this dawn I dreamt went over to another municipal library. the half way likely in gangster war. after sometime I brought my son back home, left behind the violent street. on way there is a lake where son played water till tired and slept in my arms. my sinful cousins tried to offer helping hands but I rebuffed. Its hard to put on a bag on my shoulders while maintaining my son sleeping, however I did and move on home on the mountainous road. the self-relied mood and glory of my son impressed me after I wake up. God, dad, more and more faith in Christian brings hostile Islamic just around me, allow me glimpse the source of wrong decree. people in my life I disagreed more and more armed themselves into terrorists and hostage organized. bring me freedom of easy life. bring me sooner my Royal China to be fruitful. thx dad, Asoh Yukiko, let's reunite in daily activities freshing memory of grace and salvage.Tuesday, November 18, 2014
morning star on my brother.
dreamt of kid brother in growing up.^ these weeks somewhat busy. my son got cold again but hopefully not too severe. I treated him dicos dinner when I visited him on Saturday. reviewing my time with my son, woz, Hope of China, God of Universe, always full of joy and grace. this dawn I woke up early, in the quilt my kid brother recently bought me online. then it turned a sleepy morning. I dreamt returning our hometown village, Zhudajiu, with our mom, my kid brother. my brother made some living himself, but not enough in my view. he was eager to prove him self-relying. we passed a house whose owner was long time Communist party's cadre and managed collective assets of the village, say barn, dam,etc decades. his elder son was first graduate among offspring of Zhudajiu, but not same as prestigious as my university, Nankai Univ. I was the second graduate in the village. the cadre's 2nd and last son unable to campus, living partially under his brother's help. his elder brother majored computer, he setup a business selling computer in the town, mean but domineer. he wanted, in the dream, to employ my kid brother to sell dates for him. I didn't feel fit for my brother's new job and attempted to persuade him rebuff it. but my kid brother in bitter his futile inherits and disobedient. he tattooed a colorful date on his arm and training physically all time for coming tasks. he lives hard and needs positive support from his kins but I as his dearest brother didn't offer. my mother and I felt sorry for his silent complaints. my grand father put most cherished education in me and turned old. so my kid brother sometimes inquiries my coach on life. now he ran himself a small business in southern China. he knew I still put too many burdens, bigger anticipation on his shoulders. he don't want to disappoint me but his environment is harsh, in the failing PRC survives sins. God, dad, this wonderful morning I saw our family bond. feel free to enlighten my subconsciousness. dad, coming weekends my son will reunite me in happy time, rid me anxious upon budget. enrich my credit card life in an booming entrepreneur's role.bring me sooner my Royal China to lead the eastern Asia, to settle Japanese new habitat, for love and brotherhood on promised new land northern and saintly sealed. thx, dad Heavenly.11/11/2014
dreamt of being hacker. ^ dreamt in a hacker team including 2 youth and a woman core hacker. we in a road rush after corporate intelligence property protection lawyers. we, esp the woman, being almost cracked the only core universal license protected dll file, with which all property softwares will unlocked and free. confronted with threats we in end of the road likely finally withdrawn, from been captured or prison. those days sinking PRC busy hard to extinguish news and press in the tyrant country.'s microblog, I heavily relied news source, after recent many times intervened, finally broke down. there is no authentic news source in China nowadays, now media also goes scattered. endless and boundless darkness prevails the nation as a freak outcome Russian Red Revolution, in its short evil life. the only monopoly social network within,, long time partner of throughout surveillance of PRC official, soon will shut down its web version of im, forced anyone refuses its espionage client software, offline. God's world gathering silent power to overturn the dark iron curtain casted over pestered land including China mainland. its a generation of praying for salvage, craving for seasonal wind to bring rains for thirsty, for cultivating. last weekend my son invited me join video game, heavy fire:shattered spear, and we crashed through last mission. his mom tentatively left him with me till 6pm, while I usually return dorm for 5pm supper. after returned she pompously ordered me and my son. a cheating person like that let me sad, sad for my son needs wits to judge the fake and fraud. God, dad, bring me sooner my Royal China to shield my children, bring rains and soils to grow foundation of larger vision of unified brave new world of democratic and Christian, of peace and just. thx, dad, God.6/11/2014
dreamt of Cortana. ^ yesterday I visited my son in dusk to sent him new xbox gamepad we ordered online, after 2 gamepads and will more players in local co-op game mood. I treated my son dicos dinner to celebrate hard waiting of the gear, which delivered 2 days later than Amazon China's precast. I told my son anxiousness upon the dining out during hard economy, after recent 2 new domains' purchase aided by my relatives who yet not in 100 precent sure. I waited more than an hour before my son finished his homeworks under his mom's custody and picked our new gamepad. he tried borderland 2 and concluded perfect user experience with the new gamepad. then we watched episode, the Simpsons, together. I held my son in arms for warmth. the night the moon is full and cloudy. the last bus satisfied me very much, as I anticipated willful. in dorm, I watched American TV series, broken sisters and refreshed. too much talks about sex puzzled me, why nowadays people in US like talking more than actual do sexually. in dawn I dreamt using Cortana, Microsoft's virtual voice commander. I dreamt rape, abuse against her, the intelligent robot. Its a sunny morning. God, dad, today I will receive my credit card bills. help me cope deficit in my life with so many joys. so many bliss assured my faith of holy grace. God, allow me follow ur guide tighter and dauntless. bring me sooner my Royal China to cater my children's need, to be complete in a family, in Royal China. thx, dad.1/11/2014
2nd snow. ^ this week extremely busy. I booted up guts and claimed 2 last domains I planned in 2 months. now I almost settled them open for visitors interested in my world view. they r for my wife, for my first cyberspace id with google back to 2002 or so hardness hindered me and put me in preparing them for months, risking stealth stock purchase before my reach for bargain, so after bought it from godaddy and google domains each, its prompt to publish them. all works r familiar for me but still days in the week I bound in computer chair for more than 10 hours to nail bugs down and polish sites up. during the period I totally muted from my son, after China surveillance likely hacked my mobile and let some daily tools on it, like social communication, agenda, unstable. now its Saturday, in dusk I will go over to see my most beloved son, woz. in dawn dreamt my son first found a python attacked me on my neck. its so terrifying that I woke up immediate. then dreamt playing video games with son and other family members. I found I can trained game character via voice commands. so I excitingly busy with voice commanding a game likely "Chicken Little", put my son also trying to cling to it aside. after I got up, a blessing white world outside affirms good day today. I have the cause to blog for the bitterness before family 16th and 17th domains determined while pending to join us. God, all tasks upon public action u promised me done, and I indebted and in debt of new nearly ¥5000 to write off. ensure granted loan comes in time, dad, and bless my adventures future. bring me sooner my Royal China, in a way positive. inspire me in new decades for the emerging Empire of China under my title to plow deep in global mind. thx dad God, in this first morning silent of November 2014. Photo Description: QRRS 4th dorm under construction: near winter building postponed, left crane and materials in bare stand lofty under clear sky.Photo Description: snowing street when benzrad went for his lunch in a small restaurant. thx God, this winter likely a warmer one.
Monday, October 27, 2014
shoot budding life in winter 2014 still warm.
2014's first winter snow.^ yesterday my son, woz, Hope of China, God of Universe, visited my dorm and harbored a night here, where drizzled in dusk and snowed shallowly in mid night. with improved salary, ¥1700 in Oct, 2014, and a soon bonus ¥300, from QRRS, I felt surer when my son again needs a 3rd Xbox gamepad to compete 2 other persons in video game, family guy, to satisfy it by ordered in amazon China online at once. his uncle there to play the game with him and likely impressed by the expedition. near dusk I fetched my son to dine out with grouponed mutton hotpot near my dorm. my son enjoyed the dinner even I personally felt the service a bit deteriorated. when we arrived the dorm, my kid brother's gift for me, a luxurious full body length coat awaiting us to sign on. the night my son constrained by watching online animations while I busy with updating video games on his pad in countless inter-broken. adverse environment in the dorm under PRC surveillance kept my data transportation futile, till 10:30pm I quit with what done. the bed too small for me and my son now a teenager grows every night. in the night before we fell into sleep snowing didn't notice us. next day we stayed till noon then headed out for a Japanese cuisine lunch. his mom more and more frustrated by our memorable reunion and tried hard to intervene, trifle cause finding to refute my companion which in my son's favor, to my son. after shower in spa, my son asked riding me on way back. in video game he failed twice and teared after my annoying failing advices and uneases. he suffered so much in my turbulent financial situation. last night I dreamed encouraged my 3rd sister, who quit since elemental school to allow my old family support my education, to learn. with a stick I found lost my job after quarreled with a teacher in academy. this dawn equipped with new quilt my kid brother bought me online, I dreamt first I worked as finance reporter with another competing guy. then under punishment I lost my job and started my own media enterprise. God, I saw glory of gifted. I saw compelling peace among anxiousness upon concerns. grant me 2 new domain I need last. promised me new merry year end and lunar Spring Festival. even indebted I see hope of prosperous. narrow barrier and allow my through. bring me sooner my Royal China, my crowned Queen from Japan, Asoh Yukiko, hotly anticipated as our son, woz, into my new life stream and new stage of domineer.17/10/2014
dreamt of silence.^ first dreamt as a France-German girl graduate. her life under her tribe, including surveillance of community. then dreamt with a young family in southwestern China. we have to pass through a cable bridge in mountainous area. a man from minority helps us. he cut off our armpit hair with scissor, including our infant, before launch to slide. yesterday warming system in QRRS restored, after chill late Autumn. so good the welfare of modernity. my credit card deficit mounted to ¥6000, I tried to borrow my senior middle school alumni but failed twice. but my confidence upon my liability/reliability gradually grows, esp after had my sisters and brother conversation and concern. the CCb bank also notified me via sms that I can utilize installment loan within my improved credit from 12000 to 17000 CNY. so I tried and promptly got result, ¥10000 cash with 0.75% interest in a year instalment. that means I had to pay back the bank 909 monthly in a year.God, I felt spoilt in the gift facilitates my expanding business, esp recent domains purchase. dad, God, this months I crying for owning namespace I concocted years ago for my wife. ensure me cling to it without interrupt, uneven prosperous and slumpy. bring me more freedom financially. next week I will pay back 2 credit cards, grant me smooth operation and peacefully settlement. grant us happy time in monthly reunion for noble life. bring me sooner my Royal China, my girl Lyu, Asoh Yukiko, girl Zhou, girl Taiwan, in a way complete and fruitful. thx dad.7/10/2014
dreamed of visiting Asoh Yukiko and her family. ^ in dawn dream, I still quarreled with my son's mom, a little freaky woman trying hard to gain from her old marriage. then passing some wall or tunnel or dividing line, we got my 2nd wife, my Crowned Queen of Royal China from Japan, Asoh Yukiko, visiting me. her parents, her brother, escorted her. on a passage in an academic hall, Yukiko's mother cordially talked to me. its my first time so deeply impressed by the brilliance of my mother-in-law. later I again troubled by coming dispute against the cheap woman in my 1st marriage upon routine agenda with my son and our shower together, on which she bargains for gains or revenges. this PRC's national holiday to end today. I reunited my son for 2 days together, for scarce of entertainment places in Qiqihar nor supportive budget, our only joy still dining out and movie. in my dorm for 2 nights, I cared my son and let him comfortable. he asked me to update android games on his pad and immersed in finance difficulty still a sting but I more focus it more turned tolerant, since this month I had to pay bank issues me a credit card near 100 CNY monthly. I hope that don't break my backbone like last straw. God, I put faith in my vocation her, put essence in my work online & offline so far. help me afford my life and my family, ie. my son's. grant us salvation in the other door through this dark room. thx, dad God, bless me sooner my Royal China, esp my Crowned Queen, Asoh Yukiko, and our son, my 2nd son, inherits Japanese merits, from saint and prescribed.27/9/2014
raining night dreams. ^dreamt worked with Taiwanese director, learning from Japanese movies, esp. high refresh rate of screen scanline, larger than 60 Hz. this likely from an American TV series, in which alien invisible to human eyes, but shown trail with higher scanning rate, called algorithm 5th. later dreamt building under water bomb. last dusk I accompanied my son with his swim lesson. drizzle made my farewell loomingly. I told my son my financial problem, my choice to abide my vocation in my Royal China.Its a beautiful night after all, both of us shoes sucked by ground water. we ate dicos chicken on way back. his mom tentatively arranged me leave in advance, but I felt a normal goodbye to my son finishes the day, so I waited in the building corridor till reunited my son, and saw they packed in a van, with a young man and a mid aged man previously seated. the woman likely stepped into her new marriage. this morning I got up lately, near 10am. God lets me holding. coming years might harsh for me, with current shabby salary I had to starve. God, dad, u never let me insufficient. God, bring me sooner through the adversity my enemies setup. share my golden time with my son in this fertile soil in northeastern China, new hope of my Empire of, Asoh Yukiko, my crowned Queen from Japan, see our situation and mighty ur tools to break barrier of our Royal China, to ensure our landing softly on the new promised land. dad, God, praying witnesses the morning sunshine.Wednesday, September 24, 2014
shy over sucking job.
dreamt of my dad.^ dreamt in dawn in a summit I raised a question with audience that if philosophy occurs than any other science. then dreamt my passed dad, God in Heaven now, on a horse on meadow. he then with a rod tamed a tiger or any cat in front of crowd, including me. Its a sunny morning but my heart full of unease. this month my salary continues to decrease, to 1417, while my basic life support needs ¥2100. God, even I felt boring sometimes in days the web didn't produce much free content, but I barely prepared for a second job to make ends met ahead. it took 2 days before I felt the urgency to fill the gap. last dusk I accompanied my son his swim lesson as his mom entrusted, I roamed in the other city of Qiqihar, in the municipal sports stadium, I considered possibility to find another job.several years ago the problem of relocating presented itself in front of me. I failed mostly because of unable to support interview and its travel cost. then I chose to return to QRRS, who graciously received me but without official job nor tasks. God, now I have 2 mouths to feed while my best job is cultivating my brand online, for emerging Royal China. God, help me out of the losing scene of balanced life. bring me sooner my Royal China to sustain my interest and workload. God, blessing me ahead changing.13/9/2014
dreamt of political experiment in campus. ^ dreamt in campus with master degree candidates to live in fundamental native condition, camping, hunting, collecting, fire-making, cooking, neighbor with wolves lair. later dreamt on my base meeting Deng xiaoping, the last prominent CCP politician, or Emperor of Qing dynasty, with his army. he visited my experiment and praised my research progress, and vision foresight. last dusk brings joys in my heart. son's mom, a bitch, tentatively turned off my call when I asked to reunite my son after his school, near 4pm. I know she want to upset me and revenge. I prayed & waited till her school over. then I brought my son to dine out as usual. previously my son liked to eat California beef noodle, a fake American brand likely by Chinese overseas graduate, so called Haigui or sea tortoise group. but the cash woman too mean and contemptuous, after several tries to tolerate the bitch and her incompetence being an employee. this time a real Taiwan brand, Dico's, offers grouponing in the same price of California beef noodle recently. we enjoyed it so much, except waited too long before my groupon been handled by the manager. main reason is the restaurant just opening and groupon service yet streamlined. I affirmed by holy to prepare a budget ¥100 to go shopping in nearby Rt-mart, also Taiwan retail brand, after dinner. but my son watching 3d blockbuster while eating hamburger there, delayed to near 7:30 pm to finish. I didn't hurry up him. when I suggested him haunting Rt-mart after dinner, he rebuffed it. we took taxi home where his mom yet returned but soon did. when my son settled watching his favorite animations online, I bid goodbye to my son and returned to my dorm. u can call the day smart, but in my view it took hard brewing, planning, waiting before the fruits. God, dad, pay day of my credit card approaching, break barrier of debt and live us free heart.bring me sooner my Royal China to my life still energetic.bring sooner google, facebook, twitter service into PRC, the dying out of sound and fury land. grant me future of vision, simple of understanding state logic. thx, dad God.7/9/2014
dreamt of driving license test. ^ dreamt crazily obsessed with driving test. son's mom busy with her step father's funeral, left me attending my son. I bought other resources to cope the exam. yesterday dawn dream I had my party. 2 of my once colleagues were invited. I occasionally found 2 men look like me and can be used as my stand-ins on open stage.then I made a formal declaration about historic Jun 4 collegians campaign, from CCP's defame to its due glory and contribution modernizing China's democracy. son's mom's stepfather, a bankrupted man who bankrupted the state owned company under his administrative, died before last weekend. my son was temporally attended by her neighbor in the night. when I waiting to reunite my son Friday afternoon, the neighbor grandma informed me and her grandson invited us to dine out dico's. I paid the bill, cost ¥162, to treat the young family's 3 members, and my son and myself. Saturday morning I accompanied my son made progress in video games alone in his mom's house, till late afternoon she and her mother went through the funeral of the man whose dirty money facilitated them much, and returned. I had to endure starve for canteen, with which I monthly subscribe boarding, out of service and my purse too thin to support me dine out during the lunar Mid-Autumn holiday. God, dad, these weekends so brilliantly sunny, hope u see me through my financial barriers. bring me sooner my Royal China to grace of rebirth of Chinese in its history, to allow my fruitful works booting up new generations of republic of China, and Empire of China presets. thx dad, God.1/9/2014
dreamt lingering in campus. ^ dreamt discussed thesis with alumnus Chen Xinjian,etc. then picked a young teacher's bike & ride his little daughter in campus, when lots of alumni approaching for lesson, including our female mentor,Yang Kexin. at first sight I surprised by the bike saddle how small but soon got used. I left my coat somewhere and concerning fetching back. last week I seldom sit down routinely, for my son got heat and cough again. I accompanied him visiting hospital for treatment for 6-7 days, picking him by taxi he liked. one of his doctor said after my visits he turns energetic again. the girl doctor also claimed my son so sick that it takes more than 10 days to recover, but in fact my son recovered within a week since my attending. in the week, I had to ask my 3rd elder sister for financial help. my kid brother offered ¥2000 instead. my son witness the blessing and buy himself a new pair of shoes from amazon China with ¥250, dearest item I bought him. in the week I glad to meet nurses and doctors there, all of them female. I was proud what I do and who I am. but son's mother, the small woman, at a lose and cursed me frequently. in Saturday I picked my son to watch 3D movie, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. we also registered a member card with the cinema, Dadi, with aid of a bonus ¥300 from QRRS, my once and long time employer, likely for lunar Mid-Autumn Day. son's grandma stayed in her daughter's house these days, likely helped pay the medicare bill and earned a position there, while my son's mother had to sleep with my son on his bed. I always anxious about the insane family of my son's mom. I asked my son to sleep alone many times. God, dad, these days so meaningful. u brought us safe through debt barrier. dad, attending my son's steady growth and vital soul independence. now is his first day as grade 4 school boy. allow me to have all my namespace I spelled out. bring me sooner my Royal China as it budding. God, the reality nearer and clearer than never before.Monday, August 18, 2014
tomorrow shines the past.
dreamt snakes wrapping ankle. ^ my son recently again got hot and cough. last weekends is our noble life's experience monthly, before salary day. we go movie, snack, Walmart shopping, dined out. for Golden Hans toast buffet out of service for months, we grouponed a meal with duck heads. my son surprised me, likes the cuisine. in Walmart I bought him a Japanese style school bag, priced ¥298. I also equipped him notebook, travel pen, knife we long time planned to replace broken one of a tool pack I won years ago after a blood donation. next morning, Sunday, he asked to replay "family guy".he immersed in it for hours. after showered with me in public spa, he continued the game. near dusk I urged him to allow me left earlier for I a bit tired after 2 day's companion. but he then napped with his feet in my arms.when his mom returned I kept silence till son woke up later. then he napped again with feet warmed by my neck. his mom cursed me for video games exhausted my son, and demanded before my son resumes health I should keep him from her house. I waited near 8pm. then I told my son I have faith he will recover soon. I asked his permission to leave. I left him with listening audio ebook for his mom banned him to watch his favorite animations online in the night. God, safeguard my son's sound life. bring me sooner my Royal China to attend my life that's perfect. resume my son's energy and his movies and games. thx dad, God. allow us to break financial blockage in coming worsen PRC's economy.15/8/2014
dreams in pale morning.^ dreamt of exam in QRRS office with once colleague and alumnus. in an office likely of my previous workplace in QRRS, my Nankai alumnus, Wujiang, who always good at exam, well prepared & occupied largest desk in the office. a woman colleague whose hometown in my neighbor province, Anhui, also exchanged words about coming exam. on the floor there r lots of cassettes of video tapes for my once job is cable TV station of a SOE. I was nervous upon the test as usual, &prepared cope it with metamorphosis. then dreamt under siege I asked my brother to allow moving my son to his guardian. my elder sister played with us near the well of Zhudajiu village, my hometown, under the dam. son played happily till napped in my arms. in last dream, my son fired a rocket and hit a target down.9/8/2014
dreamt of buying emagarten real-estate. ^ yesterday son's mom asked me to accompany son's swim lesson.I admitted. I got there earlier to play video game with son. when son entered the stadium, I walked around and skim the landscape of the summer sports base. we ate beef noodles before went home. son's mom returned later than 9pm. on bus stop an elder man quarreled with a cop. more policemen arrived with vehicle. the higher rank officer threatened arresting the man before the old man chose to flee. this morning I felt dog tired. after breakfast I had to nap again. I got up near 11pm. I dreamed I bought a piece of land near the summer game training center where we can rest on. we have house, furnitures among trees and other plants in emagarten. the promised loan by my alumnae, broke, likely police or state security agency interfered. the contact like other contacts I reached out, no answer to me since then, sinks into darkness. God, what ever a path hideous, I need ur guide & guardian. let me in faith unalienable. bring me sooner my Royal China, my offspring to my vested land prosperous. thx, dad, God, in this usual morning.8/8/2014
dreamed of grandson. ^ in nap dreamed a grandson dragged his toy boat in the house under grandpa's custody. his boat travels indeed the world, meeting storms, sailing all deferent seas. he mastered the oceans but his grandpa just wouldn't stop his anxiousness and gossips in the old house where his grandson the whole world in his command toddled with his toy boat. I in dream so dear with them, likely of my family. It's a sunshine morning, like yesterday's. but I was concerned with a loan promised by my senior middle school alumnae. last dusk with the gospel, I visited my son. he was on way to his swim lesson with his mom. I followed him and first time visited the stadium. the area is spacious and green. lots of kids playing different sports there. we dined out when son done his lesson. my son hesitated on way to training, but turned smart and talkative on way back.the day before yesterday I also fetched him to dine out, for cheering him up among sadness of loving his parents, for enduring of our poor earthy life, also for threats from local mafia and ruling tyrant of PRC behind the curtain. in his way I made right decision as the Son, the way to save the world, esp China under darker rein of ruthless and lawless nowadays, out of unexceptional. this week I also reckoning claim a domain for my Queens, emagarten. I concocted it years ago for my son's mom's career, English teaching. now I felt kindergarten and garden surely my haunting interest. I want to hold it from dissolving for my future family, my children coming soon. God, ur affirmative brings actions. pl allow me progress after fears and burning restlessness of hoping. makes my world better with advance. grant me moving among debts and shorts.31/7/2014
dreamt son who's in vacation. ^ dreamt we met amid but we pretended we don't meet and continued to walk away, against surveillance.we were in a community bathroom, say campus. workers fixing tubes on 2nd floor. I managed finished my shower in spa before hot water ran out. when I left the spa I told coming guy the maintenance. my son in his summer vacation tour, brought by his mom and her mother for a week in seashore Qinghuangdao. this week my works here in QRRS dorms markable fruitful. I restored my chormebook after misconfigured chrome os and turned unstable, under harshest blocking google service in tyrant PRC, sinking dreadful son of bitch fatherless. I also final spanned family new domain,, with more booming sites, like vimeo,blogger,tumblr,lofter,twitter,etc branding aggregation. God shows me benefits of maintains low profile while engaged always in errands to help the world of vanity fare as well as shared economy. I saw clear my way to self-efface & self-efficient in voice of Holy while among dusts. the dorm garden left 3 chairs, I recently enjoyed resting on the bench after dinner and jog. but many envious poor souls meant to challenge my sphere. a walker with a hippo neck in my daily dusk jog road also tried hard to disgust me. that in the week frequently reminds the invisible but everywhere source of authority. God, dad, u r so invincible! let me enjoy ur world freely and hearted. the glory of Son unfolding in my eyes, dad God, through scenes and events around me prescribed, like echoes of praises under Heaven. God, bring me sooner my Royal China with my Queens, with our children coming big and innocent. thx description: monthly noble life's treat: cinema, snack,Walmart,dining out,harbor in my dorm. son, warrenzh, got cough yesterday but we still found funs in all actions. next dusk, after 2 full days' game playing, roaming outside as his mom forced, he fell into sleep when I, his proud dad, gossiped world politics. till 8pm, his dad left after attending his 2 naps. his mom blamed me as usual for my son's liking staying with his dad. here we rested near Dadi Digital cinema before we headed to next tour, Walmart. we ate some sweets from Taiwan franchise.
Friday, July 25, 2014
God saves future of China.
dreamt of crime.^ dreamt a father and his son plotted to threat the public. they bought arms before aboard. on the train they cheated and finally succeeded to explode and kill. then dreamt my kid brother learnt to defend. later likely my son and myself equipped ourselves war field skill. yesterday I got a less satisfying salary, ¥2351, from QRRS, my once employer. I then visited my son with his living support. there he combated 3 hours and completed video game, Op spec: Line. its likely he first time confronted with killing human and war time experience. his expertise in shooting so amazing that my only response is to appreciated, only service is lips. returned to dorm I narrowly settled down tasks left to push online our new domain,, ie. www subdomain hosted on google sites. God sees how China nowadays surveillance harsh and insane, and what my accomplishment of prison break a miracle. last dusk I told my son I want to sacrifice to thanks God. I offered him a bonus of ¥50. he didn't reply me when I tried to talk to him in air. I rested quite awhile in dorms garden. in dorm I reviewed my son's achievement and my task completed, I at once saw the link between them.God,u shown me my son's concern upon sustainable development in the circumstance of sinking PRC with its tyrant communist. God, u show me my sorry for my son for being unable to support him a better life style.God, u show me the bliss to live our own hands and fight for alive. God, my 2nd credit card from, its pay day due now, help me defeat deficit.bring me more thrills on the worldly earth. fetch my Royal China with my girls sooner to me, in time and bright.18/7/2014
dreamt minority in China & their culture. ^ dreamt travel to southwestern China where habits most minorities. in a village most of their business is tourism. I ate their meals, mostly baozi, etc, of Han tribal food. their lives likely became better in recent years but they closely watched their culture under influence of Han's. I respect them, and always inspired by their fantastic culture. then I turned to sell the traditional meals as a business. one of my alumni supervised it. the day before yesterday I bought my son his 10th domain,, for IIDChina, namespace of my brainstorm years ago. its likely the last generic root domain I admire, .info. I love it. An independent blogger, William Long, used .info, too. I was inspired by the informative blog, a constant freedom seeker among dying harsh surveillance PRC.last weekend brought many joys to my son & myself. we made a budget ¥400 to celebrate our new bankcomm credit card, my 2nd credit card. we shopped in walmart, ate Korean cuisine dog meat and Japanese cuisine breakfast. I stayed longer for my son asked me to try more on a game, till his mom, the dirty woman, nasty me with her usual curse. God, u didn't put any obstacles on my way. my destiny has none business with this worldly world. bring me sooner my Royal China, let me stride new journey. thx dad God.12/7/2014
dreamt research train. ^ in first dream session i got fastest speed of train as a researcher. then with son's mom and her mother we aboard a train. the steward black marketed lavatory space to travelers. we in fact stayed in compartment with illegal ticket from the steward and seemingly happy to be aboard on time, our destiny surely soon reaches. in 3rd session I research bullet train and improved its speed, but most content evapored when I blog. likely I'm glad to travel via it to my hometown, for It only cost 3 hour, like flight. last night again rained cats and dogs. in the rhythm I exchanged words with my son and also watched TV operas from US. his mom, an envious vicious animal, turns more and more insecure and find her all ways to deprive my time together with my son. demon brings her soon to her end, even bitter release of false & twist soul. God, my son now in his summer vacation. let him enjoy the free time. as to me, I had to find new progress in our business. God, bring my girls sooner into our new family. bring my children blessed in light right time. thx dad God.11/7/2014
dreamt of my young years being programming. ^ dreamt with QRRS IT department colleagues who once rejected my application to join them. they asked which program language I good at. I said I read a programming book. they said the book so good that suffices training for a programmer. they suggested BI, business intelligence, as database language, and another executive language for me to work with them. a girl crew of them received me in the IT department and accompany me join a coding summit or camp of improving programming skill. we had good talk that encourages me as being self-taught in the past. in the dream I'm inspired by new career prospective, and proud of my experience of self-studied. this week especially long for me. for I had good news for my son till I see him. my 2nd sister, who usually a demon peeking my weakness, loaned me ¥1000, for gathered deficit in upper half of 2014, and for celebrating our new credit card. God allows me funded it quick and confidently. I also fixed my computer likely infected by virus. Its painful and frighten to running Internet under surveillance of evil. Its not easy to avoid being spied among compelling artificial intelligence including criminal usage, but I will fight hard like baptism myself. God, I know how vulnerable my cyberspace being, my web assets, is, trust u I express freely. dad, God, coming weeks will be funny with spacious budget. let's stay in joy for even brighter future blessed in holy. bring me sooner my Royal China to fulfill me which not late. help us sooner financial independent. thx, Father.Saturday, July 05, 2014
since it stirs, it cured
gained family 2nd credit card.^ its such a thrills and spills day yesterday when my son harvested our 2nd credit card, especially intends used by him online and offline. I admire China Post Saving Bank's credit card and applied it 3rd time via filling form in its local office, but none response. in last Monday I almost lost hope in it and an American Associated Press news article about China Communication Bank has rapid credit card auditing campaign attracted me. A minute after submit application form online I got affirmation in sms. its incredible fast and workable! I even don't believe its true after the painful applying process through PSBC's. I was afraid China surveillance's intervene like it did unreasonable. I informed my son the good news next dusk, he replied at once excited, for this credit card long time aimed to remove burden of payment all means, empowers his spending & facilitate his financial mobility. the next 3 day boils me in waiting the ems. finally I dropped in the ems office & took it before dispatched before 11pm. reunited son outside of the house of his mom, who tentatively locked us out & relentlessly compel me for surrender in her marriage hell, I let my son unpack the ems, went through activating the card via online and official hotline. even failed then we visited's local office and activated my bankcomm credit card there. we enjoyed shopping online at once after dined out beef noodle, and equipped the new payment tool with my son and my own cyber being. in the night I didn't watch any American TV series as usual, but immersed in relaxation of harvest. God, u know how fragile my financial status as well as our online security. u know how I inspired by stride ahead into new realm. grant me space and edge to live noble. bring me sooner my Royal China, my girls into new family which would be fertile. I'm ready since the start of 2014. thx dad, God, take me progress in route of uprising.28/6/2014
dreamt of killing enemay of my Royal China. ^ dreamed lenthily my old family, my siblings rallied and killed our long time enemy, a Huang, likely my once boss in QRRS. it costs many ritual skill & operations,and relaxing after completed it.23/6/2014
dreamed of being open war against bureaucratic uncle's family. ^ Dreamt war between my old family &my uncle' passed father appears in dream, shows his leading bravery as usual. I gradually firmly stand against the sinful cousin, a long time bureaucrat, a veteran cheater &betrayer. he found his been beaten, turned lean on my back. I cut him off from my back, it likely a huge success, in celebration I woke up. fund raising for 2nd hometown flight tour hardly progress. 3 senior middle school alumni cold shoulders to me, one cursed me, one muted upon my gossip, both journalists, under tyrant CCP's manipulation. the 3rd one, kindly response, but held a position look out. my son likely curious upon the outcome, said him restless on bed in sultry night in the week. when we reunited in weekends, I casually found mobile of another alumnus I tried hard to reach out, I sent 3 sms in 3 days. this morning I boot up courage and dialed the number, which reported invalid. he is a governor. God, I saw so many affirmatives. I will continue to pave way for his Holy. but summer makes my city more enjoyable, thanks, dad, we won't lose if we bounded with this northeastern China this vacation. dad, God, bring me sooner my Royal China, host my summer palace my family, with my friends deserve. grant us a new credit card, to empower my son's online payment, as u promised. thx, dad God.13/6/2014
fund raising failed once. ^ after announced flight hometown tour 2nd in blog, I first contacted my hometown folk and also Nankai alumnus. he once worked for Xinhua News Agency, then open his own company, and now said bankrupted and worked as employee to earn his first month salary so far. he urged me to talk to him in night privately, and kept silent quite some cases when I tried to persuade his loan in cyberspace, ie. QQ, a Chinese mainstream IM tool. I buzzed in around 7:30 pm, ended after 21 minutes during which he carefully evaded rebuffing me while kept me explaining my cause. he likely an agent of China surveillance over me. here in Qiqihar, in 2 days after the announcement here, 2 guys somewhat acquainted in the SOE approached me and inspected me in chat, quite odd in my routine. the sinful alumnus even vended suicide, claiming his grandpa killed himself, and another Nankai alumnus of us did it several years ago, left his poor old parents in barren peasants. he targeted me as victim and patient. I defended my cause emotionally with despise till saw the trap of trail, indifference of tame, even profane, from steel certain of the despair tyrant PRC. this morning my QQ was blocked from login. so I napped. I dreamed with my son in his infant strangely. I blamed his mom didn't slice food into small pieces less choke him, then I walked into corridor to find him stumbling. I fed him water but accidentally spilled all onto to his back, caused him a chill. woke up I decided to publish the fund raising conversation which concerns my cause. web QQ long time bans me from retrieving chat history, so I tentatively broke some copies during psychic muting the demon exerted. God, dad, I know we will travel as we like. help me reach the pleasure sooner.dudel2014-06-11 13:56:45
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我还是需要你借我5000. 跟那些使你负债的客户比,我更可能不是你破产的主顾。看我的好的一面,是否值得你帮助。
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Wednesday, June 11, 2014
shrink into dream of hometown 2.
2nd hometown flight tour planning.^ yesterday I was sorry for distant from my hometown sunshine while Qiqihar, northeastern China, frequently cloudy in May, 2014 even in Jun. then 2nd hometown tour came into me, with my son via flight.then I launched to raise fund from my hometown & alumnus in Nankai Univ. I also told my elder sister who will cooked for us, and my son under his mom's custody to prepare. this dawn dreamt all my alumni leaving for party or treat,except me lost something &desperate trying to retrieve. my passed mother cooking banquet for us. she kindly urged me among her guests no harsh. after peed I dreamt I tried all means to evade but still proved solid choice in the 2nd hometown tour. last week google service fatally blocked by China surveillance, which brought many inconveniences for freedom seeker in the doomed country. my son made proud progress in his video game,Shin Sangokumusou 7 with Moushouden, and we talked a lot about the famous Chinese history and heroes in the period. I'm surer my world view shared with my son, glories under Holy. soon after our first flight hometown journey, I told him we unable to afford the travel,which cost about 10,000 CNY, in several years. he admitted. now I informed him my new plan, even among harder PRC's economy, I hope we share faith in God's, in his plenty, his save. we will go off on Jul 21 and return on Aug 23. we like travel so much! not several occasions when we met coach bus ported near his mom's community, I remarked, how wonderful if we just step in and leave for weeks. We need to know our free space and what its capacity. we enjoy absence awhile on our hard-brew duty, for worship, for elation of sure things and for proud. God, dad, I have insight on funding not easy, grant me a happy journey which means freedom, heats, delicacy, funs of play. dad, afford our journey wonderful as its last one, and brings more fresh in this longer tour. God, let me handle all the travel stuff to ensure our indeed travel. bring me sooner my Royal China, my Queens into new family fruitful. thx dad, in this sunny morning.5/6/2014
dreamed of consulting smart guy about my dignity. ^dreamed anxious about my sexual arouse not strong enough. then visit one junior middle school classmate, Chen Yangsheng, a slim, tall and sensitive prodigy with enviable silver complexion and one of smartest pals in my memory. he led me to ramble and made checklist to test my tendency. after some close questions he raised to inspect, I entrusted him and told him how I felt gifted or chosen since I was young. a kid boy or girl squat near us and watched us, before we end talk and I woke up. yes, I really sensed how I assured about my destiny of chosen when I was a kid. I was trusted by so many noble people, including my parents and siblings. I was so sure that most things in the world won't hurt nor break me, eventually. I felt the pain and proud to claim the fact, before a scientist like Chen. its a mild sunny morning after sultry yesterday, and dwelling rains in May, 2014. passed lunar dragon boat day costs more than expected but joys be worth it. we rushed to pick a 3D animation in cinema but regret after found its a Chinese product. we also rushed to pick a steak buffet after movie, but son didn't eat much among the rich choices. next day I treated him fish hotpot, for I missing fish with hot peppers cooked in my hometown, but we again didn't find proper compensation, at least not in the meal. day by day I saw my son's growth of independence, it sometimes hurt by my presence. but at least this holiday, I saw my son delighted together. we made progress in video games as usual. God, I beg ur assurance of mighty of love, overcome of rebellious teenage and adulthood. I beg u of innocence of company in his holy glory. God, dad, bring me sooner my Royal China, my girls into new family fruitful. dad, God, allow my son space in such a condensed cell of surveillance. cover us with enough sleep in front of dark eyes and evil speculations. thx, dad.29/5/2014
dreamt of Tibet alumnus, Benba Chungdak. ^dreamt first we making a living as street vendor. then Benba Chungdak quit. soon we found we have to make a living from scratch again, for our family, or our parents unable to support us. we first each vend on street. Benba Chungdak with his art college classmates, Li Moufeng, etc, grouped to sing opera in non-traditional way. in such a hard life in dream, I counted on Benba so much and prayed for better life for us. one of our relatives visited us but didn't help. finally Benba Chungdak and his alumni invented singing and lives a life by performance. When I wake up I tried to blog it. then I reviewed how I dependent in dream on him, esp in hard living. its almost 20 years passed since I last contacted him who waiting graduate in Tianjin art college while I just worked in QRRS, a SOE. May's deficit passed tearfully after my eldest brother's only daughter loaned us ¥1000. yesterday QRRS dispatched a bonus, including ¥300 to me. God, since the rain season I relaxed in ur bliss. these nights I watched English drama, "The white Queen", which brings so many meanings and visions, let me see how sin equals to death, and its trap the lifeless struggle. merit lives upright and timeless, while abnormal emotion/mind lapses like shadow. I see history self-reveals and doesn't explain. I saw glory and grace untouchable. I saw throne in my title as prescribed. God, long wave of historical acting roles' influence is so clear and delusive for a usual human lifespan, I beg ur mercy and fortress. God, dad, lead my Royal China through 1109 years' China Empire coming wholly and pure. bring my girls and children beautiful and mighty. thx, dad, God.21/5/2014
Dreamt eating fish with childhood pals in hometown village. ^likely I missing some childhood friends, like Zhu Yangchun who graduate and open his dental clinic in a small town then shift to HuangShi, 2nd level metropolis in Hubei Prov., Zhu Hongnong, one of my best friend in Zhudajiu, whose father is a worker and fed his family well,etc. this dawn dreamt we gathered in hometown village, Zhudajiu. I bought a squid. we started to eat its small parts. then I asked a pal's mother, a kind woman and died in her prime time, took its remain from her lintel or balcony. I shift it to where we gathered. its alive and cling onto my skin with its suckers. I feared somehow and read instruction how to kill it quick. arrived the place I asked pals kill it smart with scissor, knife. we then enjoyed the delicacy I recently frequently missing. last night it likely shallowly rained. I saw wet ground from window in dawn. my niece loaned me last night, remitted me around 11am. God, the dream shown me how many kind and fantastic people stayed joyfully in my life, enrich my past so much. no matter how frustrated sometimes by my tribe, I was enchanted by them. God, dad, reinforce me with faith in world justice. God, grant us a fish banquet this month or later. bring me sooner my Royal China to revitalize me. thx, dad God.From 2014 admires |
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Tuesday, May 20, 2014
a year's plan in the summer time.
an in time rain again. ^ last dusk I was chased by dogs. dirty old woman tried to defame me. in the night I should enjoy American TV dramas, but recent PRC banned lots of culture products overseas, claiming they against PRC's moral system. but I still find fun alone and idle. the rain didn't start when I went to bed, but in dawn its rhythm brought me dreams and peace. I dreamt as an intern in CCTV, PRC's assigned authoritative and dominative media. I interviewed by high rank cadre of the media tyrant & fear of clumsy. I indeed in dream of poor qualified, in fact felt miserably uncompetitive.then I did field survey of society, in minority area.a kid &his elder sister talk with us in their mountain village. they are funcy and cute. dad, God, so many burdens and hostility around my Royal China, so many protection U put us and stand us upright, God, I don't deserve a complaint for bareness nor dependence. the battle last long while I prone to homesick. God, dad, coming years more depressing in the economy as well as social and politics. God, guide me and my beloved through the warren and safe onto my promised land. God, dad, in this raining morning, with my girl Lyu's attending, I felt steady and inspired.12/5/2014
a blessing rain from my girl Lyu.^ this week felt extreme lucky. I got my own 5 letters domain,, for my long time used namespace for my family, an alias of oneizh for whose logo I designed years ago. during hard time of PRC's sliding low economy, I cling to concrete asset like the domain, with which I gathered courage to buy 5 years at once. my debt this month amounts to near ¥2000, but I felt easier since last sunny day and moisture days follow. this week also especially long for PRC public calendar shift labor day vacation and made the workweek 6 days. My son hesitated to me when we reunited. later he explained last week I blamed he didn't try new video games hurt him. we soon enjoyed together again, with lots of game playing. I treated him Dico's lunch after more than a month's break for hard economy. the weekend can't be more splendid. this dawn I dreamt first helping my 2nd elder bro rip ghost from his son or grand son.then dream on a train, usually most jamming and noise and dirty travel method, we occupied a small space,say kitchen, and cozy.after a meeting, one Guy, Xiu haitao, a big build Guy among my Qrrs colleagues once loaned me to pursue master degree in Nankai Univ back to 1999, gave up and left the kitchen with his baggage. when I got up to pee, I felt afraid of ghosts. I soon boot up for breakfast in canteen. the rain too beautiful to miss. God, bring me sooner my Royal China. help me stroll over the hard time in sinking PRC and its tyrant party. fetch back our leisure life style with dicos meal, and online shopping once a week or monthly. thx dad, God. secure my cyberspace assets and ease my concern of their security.3/5/2014
dreamt exile. ^ First dreamt escape with General Chiang Kai-shek's army. Then dreamed with a German family. They live in the only tiny forest in Germany. their son tried to make friends during exile, make use of drug to feel better. his aunt, a girl, brings his parents to rescue him, forced his physical exercise in their yard. I liked the aunt in dream. after I scrabbled some of the dream and continued to sleep, I probed advantage of German. I played with the family, esp the father. Its a funny international labor day. my son expected it heartedly, for it includes movie "Captain America 2" in 3D cinema, steak lunch, visiting my dorm, and luxurious breakfast next morning in U.B.C coffee. it turned out really memorable. during the vacation I also claimed family 13th domain, its the only 8 letters domain we have. the .biz also enchants me so long. its all nice except hard finance weighted me lots. my eldest brother promised loan me ¥1000 while several days passed the tranaction didn't happen. I actually worried about draining out situation in my business. I hope I can break down barrier of debt, but it more and more shakes my confidence. God, I saw ur affirmative and uphold to it. God, dad, just let my work and life rolling like usual, smooth like deep river. God, I have lots to hope, but most in hurry is my Royal China. bring me sooner my girls, my Queens into my new family, and our children beautiful and gifted under new realm of my Empire of China, spans 1109 years follows.24/4/2014
dreamed of being a graduate and in love with a girl Lyu. ^ in dawn dream I just after national graduate exam, and enrolled by Jilin University, an ivy league campus. my crushed girl Lyu also will study there the same year and only us 2 enrolled by the Univ. the term. my major is Cg, computer graphics and post effect, with parents, which odd in both eyes of girl Lyu and mine. my 2nd elder bro accompanied me to report in open season. he hurried me to sleep same bed in dorm with him but I felt queer & rejected. a little girl slept on a bed near me talking me while her grandma ordered her leaving. they beat each other. I tried to save the crying girl,then wake up. Girl Lyu loves me too.her major now forgot. when I met her among our classmates, I felt so sweet and so is she. in the end of dream, we got to know the campus is not in down town but quite rural. God, this month salary arrived lately, 200 more than March's. thx for the gift. we still in debt of ¥1000 and more. I hope I can fix it with my salary in coming seasons as summer can be busier season and brings more products ordered for the SOE, QRRS, my once and long time employer. celebrating the salary quite impressive. I bought my son, warrenzh 朱楚甲, Hope of China, God of Universe, toast duck as planned, we enjoyed it so much. next day I bought him persimmons after knew he missing it. handing in subscription for boarding and fruits went also quite smooth. sometimes only experienced hard time before you know normal life and its costs so important to be sustained. God, dad, bring me sooner my Royal China, my Queens, Asoh Yukiko, girl Lyu, girl Zhou, girl TW. thx for this blessing morning enacted me before 6am. thx for life comes so peaceful.From 2014 admires |
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Thursday, April 17, 2014
handsome spring before turning old.
pray for save.^ this month should be tough finance for we hardly restrained our living expense. what's worse, son warrenzh 朱楚甲, Hope of China, made purchase in his pad games, totally ¥270. we ate Chinese lunch on each Sunday instead of Dico's we likes so much, save half of the meal, near ¥30. deficit sometimes let me down and slept a lot to avoid anxiousness. last Wednesday is a brilliant sunny day, I bought dry beef for son again to celebrate it. in the night when I reviewed holy revelation in my life, I'm affirmed so much. life of mine, not a burden but vision of indulge, treasure to glows. this dawn Dream again worms eat my flesh under skin, this time on my heel. it itches, when I inspected then found a cone hallow under my heel created by the parasites. then dream with my son, and my kid brother on a schedule for travel of train. I hold my son on the move in meetings in town while brother in hotel waiting for tickets to launch together. its urgent to be on time on every stage, while all means we have in uncertain. its like a nightmare of distraction during hurry up otherwise out of we afford. in late dream I tried to blog the dream till bright late spring morning. breakfast is enjoyable and breeze accords my query of witness. God, grant me independence of living with life style we enjoy so far. rid me want and debt, and vulnerable under superficial life, to pursue truth and beauty of spirit. God, dad, coming month will commence summer, funnest season for my son and myself in every year. cover our joy time expense and focus on moments we reunite.bring me sooner my Royal China to forward history in Asia. bring me my girls, my Queens in my family, like running river of forever life.7/4/2014
dreamed of Thailand. ^ I fixed wandering idea of helping our tribe in family name Zhu getting a cyberspace by building them a website. last Friday I booted up courages among harder economy within PRC and claimed domain from its my family's 12th domain. God sees how I am contented and how heavy a burden for me without a supporting backbone business while extending realm restlessly. PRC went its traditional holiday, mourning day for 3 day vacation, I hate it for I again had to hunt for meals with extra budget. however we had a groupon of pizza buddy meals previously subscribed, so we spend our lunch out there, after 3D cinema. my son enjoyed steak there very much. I ate fully till no feeling for food. we also shopping in nearby Walmart, where I finally got my socks on stock. son got his beef jerky I long time planned him. on taxi returning, warrenzh my son, Hope of China, God of Universe, leaned on back seat and quietly browsing street scene through car window alone. my financial status causes him unease, I guess. this dawn I dreamed in Thailand, I tried to use dictionary to translate. God, I will never cash out ur legacy I inherited. dad, God, bring me sooner my Royal China and lives us a living and resilient sound business. thx, dad, here in the bright morning.1/4/2014
dreamt of Lyu Songya,my incomplete love. ^ in dawn dream, I met Lyu Songya, my Huanggang senior middle school alumnus, now a professor in Wuhan Univ. so many years I yet know why she decided to visit my passed dad's old house when we went to hometown after aboard a same ship during summer vacation in HG middle school, where I missed her but unable to claim my love to her for academic pressure so high for me while so light for her, and when I didn't sense she ever cared me in the school we boarding and lodging. In dream I sometimes tangled Lyu with one of my QRRS colleague, Zhang Xianbin, a Hunan migrator and now a sales director of the SOE. we interacted a while when we both lingered in QRRS dorms and she a year earlier join the company than me. finally Lyu show deep concern on me in the dream. I tried to blog in dream, but when I got up, I almost lost them all. God, I feel blessed in ur love, among beautiful girls' love with me. show me the way to reach out for solid homeland, to girls I love and be family. God, my son recently got cold and ankle wrench, help him recover soon. next month will be important, for we missing old life standard supported by my salary of ¥2100. let's resume our pastime with adequate spend power. thx Dad God.24/3/2014
Dreamt with my Nankai alumni. ^last night my 2nd brother buzzed in again to assure his support, ¥1000 to help me fix my family living deficit., a pioneer importer of American TV soap drama in PRC, narrowly restricted its service to force its users install its own browser, likely favorites its surveillance, cooperates with the tyrant state communist party. this dawn I again got up in time, to find its around 5:30am, from deep dreams. the dorm's Internet is down as usual said for maintenance. I soon napped in my chair. in dorm of Nankai University, I talked with monitor or someone, for higher living standard forced me sell some property I inherit for cash. then in campus canteen, Wang Hui, one girl Nankai alumni, do her job as saleswoman there, received me, counted my broken bills and destroyed them after counted & exchanged for meals. she is kind and emphasized me not again to sell my inherited. I yelled, never even die, but before I shout out the phrase, I woke up. its a sunny morning. God, dad, help me sustain my life so far, let me enjoy wonderful moments in my life here with my son and children arriving, in my Royal China with my 4 wives.From 2014 admires |
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Saturday, March 22, 2014
everlasting joy bewitches Royal China, among pitiful hard time now.
happy reunion among harder economy.^ long expected March salary among gloomy PRC's economy arrived in pitch, dropped to 1400 CNY, in a sunny day. that put my routine life in blizzard, including weekends dine out, recent shopping online for replace son's shoes and our woolen pants, even my boarding subscription would go debt. after reviewed my situation, I buzzed my 2nd brother who recently rarely buzzed in after he saw my mobile in his contacts when trying an messenger app, yixin. he usually means for his life not always in his expectation, but I hope he saves this April of my family. in a vision, I felt enemies of my Royal China put my own in a test upon what I claimed, faith in God, in bright future of China as well as the world pilots my anchor next millennium. In last night dream when my son ported in my QRRS Dorms, my passed parents gathered with us unusually,talked about their times' tale, their nightmare when they young and green hand. that's something weird. then my son called me, in his dream or wake up. I answered him immediately. but he didn't responded. soon neighbor beasts punched the paper wall heavily, like it insanely did all time, trying ignite my wrath of revenge. I calmed after efforts, let go old foe. then in dream when I visiting hometown village, Zhudajiu, national war called upon, duty of serving the army for every young men seeks even remote like the village. I was in the sinful cousin with his sons visited me, discuss how to evade the crushing way ahead of a soldier. I felt in danger& panic, even know the cousin never kind, but I listened their sell. My son recently more turns quiet and resting. God, dad, relieve his burden upon debts I brought in the prospect of my Royal China of next 1109 years in eastern Asia. God, dad, bring hearted joy and laughter in his budding youth. thx, dad, here is my prayer ever answered today, in these blessing sunshines.19/3/2014
a late heavy snow in spring 2014. ^ these days I seemingly lack of sleep. every morning I Wake up in time but each time lingering deep in dreams and merely sober mind when sit aside bed. I enjoy breakfast as usual, engaged with online free stuff like working bee. but every short moment when I leaned on bed I fall into nap soon. every nap likes a long journey before I return to earth steadily. this, esp this dust's nap lets me wonder how wonderful or awful my life is now. do I enjoy every reunion with my son, my most concerned, as usual? do I prepare for my absence on the earth for meeting my dad, God in Heaven now, in paradise soon or late? most workdays I was busy, prepared commencement of my Empire online and offline, stuff to make fun now and future. do I exhaust more or less? yesterday Its a sandy day, snow follows this noon and turns turbulent a beautiful scene. its also helpful for plants in spring, on the drying planet. I prepared more paypal accounts for my business, for purchases future overseas, esp in US. I was blocked from American goods so long, I despair want to be with them, including my recently bought chromebook via a shop specifying shopping overseas. sooner US will dispatch my packages I orders online. that means freedom extends me more, comparing several years ago I had to ask Taiwan friend in cyberspace to buy me godaddy domains. I then even poorer than deserving a credit card. now I have my 1st credit card from CCB and transacted via it in past months for more than 5000 CNY. we harvested so many wonderful goods from online orders.God, dad, this moment the dorm's power down abrupt. I was allowed to review my recent status, which so meaningful that I barely blogged. coming month still challenging, for I deficit 300 CNY now. dad, God, I live on u so many years with bare hands. looking forward, I see humors of life and wits in my soul uprising. thx, dad, God, allow me praying in this temporarily black out night.
dreamed of Masayoshi Son. ^ these days saw and heard lots of QRRS young workers idled in dorm. some factories of QRRS shut down for no orders. gloomy economy also depressed me, while spending method opener and handier day by day. say, 2 Chinese logistic enterprises, and, open service for overseas shopping. 2 biggest e-commercial portal, alibaba and tencent, next week will offer e-credit card to boost Chinese expending online. the only prime is your wallet is filled solidly. last night when I told my son online the progress undergoes in nowadays PRC, he quit after sensed my anxious upon expanding unemployment and underpaid. this dawn I dreamt CEO of softbank, the Korean entrepreneur built his industry empire in Japan. I see how Japanese open over world culture and spices, tolerant to versatile products and alien races, inc popular social app, line again by Korean. I saw the greatest responsibility on Japan to guard democratic inherit since pilot of USA. Its a shinny morning, God, bring me sooner my Royal China to home my children, future of China on eastern Asia. God dad, show me way to meaningful and plenty. I saw the promise, God, thx.10/3/2014
Dreamed again I'm in my wedding.^ recently life too beautiful to blog. everyday we made progress. in our shared moment, my son, warrenzh and me advanced among video games. we also chatted via sms a lot and that makes us understanding more each other. yesterday during shower in public spa, he first time fainted. with his pad he soon recovered and we ate bananas after returned to his mom's house. my son put so many affections on me that sometimes I felt terrified for the responsibility. but God, I have no choice, no dodging way to evade. I had to put all my life under God's shine, which so affirmative even among daily chores. God, bliss open my eyes wide for the mighty. don't let me down upon heroic inside me, in my Royal family.this dawn I 2nd time dreamt in my wedding ceremony. my bride seemingly not the one I familiar, but proud as she is, and I was contented heartedly. her parents have firm hands over wedding affairs. I tried my best to make the ceremony gorgeous. in this dawn dream my childhood friend, Zhu Caigui, also from my hometown village Zhudajiu, in his wedding, too. I wake up around 6:30am and ate breakfast leisurely. God, bring me sooner my Royal China. Asoh Yukiko, attending our son and other children arriving closely. show warrenzh how to live in Japanese style. thx, God dad.
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From 2014 admires |
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
discreet joice of holy affirmative.
happy time with cinema, "Hobbit part 2".^ yesterday we 3rd visit Qiqihar Dadi cinema franchise in Qiqihar Supermarket, to watch American blockbuster, The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. for this month salary again dropped to ¥2100, we didn't buy popcorn to save. son, warrenzh first time uncomfortable with 3D glasses and sometimes took it off during watching. after the movie, we ate fish hotpot near my QRRS dorm. son complained I heaped too much meat before he started to eat. yes, that's my fault for I wanted to eat my own earlier. after returned to his mom's house, I prepared him an old video game, dungeon defender, as son requested to review after years ago we completed it. he helped me make proud progress in game, Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, till reached last chapter we quit for my time to leave there. in the night I reviewed son's recent sometimes reluctance to echo my shared gratitude for God, I saw I pushed too hard to demand his companion. I saw freedom I left him crumbled. this dawn I dreamed lengthly watched a Korea girl in her 30's while still lives alone. she emotionally dependent on her mother. I watched so long her life that its a bit boring. when I blogged I can't remember her late living in my dream. last weekend I complained I was too poor to claim sibling domain for our newly claimed one,, to my son when we on way to lunch out and shower. but the night before yesterday I summoned encouragement to buy it in hand. its too beautiful to miss. now my son, warrenzh at and, owns the with brilliant grace.God, so many hard time passed while countless ahead. please allow me more discreet decision in my future life, my 1109 years' China Empire reset, my God to serve in my Royal. God, dad, empower me more insight upon my son, warrenzh 朱楚甲, Hope of China, God of Universe, his needs and unwilling. bring me fresh vivid life on the earth to serve the Holy Spirit. thx God, dad.
my new chromebook, an acer c720. ^ after a month and a week, my chromebook, bought from Amazon American, finally arrived among lots of biting waiting. its easy to put it in use. and I within 2 days migrated and synced my corporate and personal google accounts onto it. son, warrenzh seemingly not so cheered, for its my gear. his mom recently also equipped herself an samsung pad, while my son empty seasonal gift. but I managed to buy pecan nuts and persimmons online for him for compensation. I also want him know tools enhance living, but full life surely beyond that. in this dawn dream my main concern is my kid brother's loan he promised last night to clear my credit card debt. at first I dreamed my Tibet friend, Bianbaqiongda, since I join my first work place, QRRS, and visited him on way I first time visited my hometown after settled in the SOE, we didn't contact each since then.then my 2nd brother first time appeared in my dream not evilly. we, with my kid brother and an infant, my son or my kid brother's 2nd baby, trapped on a high platform where more and more snakes gathered around us. its dangerous and frightening. but my 2nd brother kindly said, danger let people sober and can be blessing. kid brother also kind in dream. in later dream he likely teased me and tentatively delayed his loan for funs. the dream is embroiled, I tried several times to get up amid to blog but delayed on bed till the later dream too vivid to miss, while it ends up missing when I just blogged the snakes. this month my salary dropped to ¥2100 again, that's solid reality strengthens me. God, dad, allow us a happy reuniting weekends in this salary week, for I will dined out son. free us burden of debt and immerse us in gratitude. bring me sooner my Royal China for the land thirsty and harvest thirsty. thx, dad.18/2/2014
Dream accompanied son & his over-concerned mom listening lecture on children education. ^near end of winter term my son, warrenzh 朱楚甲, was brought by him mom to visit her relatives likely in neighbor province, where nuclear radiation and epidemic realistically looming. Just before last dinner of the journey, I got the idea to claim domain,, which likely my last affair mattered one, in memory of a baby bird I saved from her prematurely left her nest in my 2008 visit my passed dad's house. with expertise I gained from previous 9 domains I finished setup new domain in 2 continuous days. This dawn I first dreamed play hide-and-see game with son's mom's colleagues' boy on a haunted hill, where there is a school and houses. then dreamed school broadcasting program while I once closely watched the business when I worked in QRRS cable TV and it has a branch to do job. I saw my TV expertise empowers me an edge over school video and multimedia E-teaching channels. Then dreamed my son was brought by his mom to attend a kid education lecture offered by professional faculty. his mom's colleagues also there. son felt nervous & ask my attendance and gamed with him while idle in the hall before the lecture.The professor interviewed us and let son do a survey to assess his ability. his main topic of the lecture is reasonable: education should be more versatile and free off unnecessary burden in traditional Chinese society role, paving social ladder toward upper class, or in Chinese cliche, those who excel in academics end up in officialdom. my son benefits from the innovative thought, and playing games with pals happily. I scrabbled the blog on my mobile via around 6:30am on bed, then went breakfast. Its a sunny morning now. God, dad, bring me sooner my Royal China to home my son and other children arriving. grant me allowance upon credit card deficit crisis in coming month. thx, dad, Hope turns stronger in blessing spring breath.13/2/2014
Dreamed of song contest among my alumni. ^ dorm's water heat wrecked yesterday, so cold in the night. in dawn dream previously chat with Zhong Mj, my senior middle school classmate and a Peking Univ graduate. then in a song contest between Zhong & He yi, both once my classmate and usual exam leaderboard topper during my senior middle school in Huanggang Middle school. they were close friends in Huanggang and enrolled by Peking Univ together while majored differently. I worked as assistant of He in the dream. I tried my best on stage to cooperation with He who so brilliant. He's talent undeniable, and won finally, with PRC's traditional song, "Hero hymn". The judge, a colonel and likely popular TV talkshow guest in nowadays PRC, found mistakes of performance as result absence of camp training for contestants, results in clumsiness at war field in future perspective. He commented humorously and audiences applaud. Then triumph ceremony commenced. I tried to behave differently on stage, to coordinate with He Yi, not just follow him, that also attracted eyeballs on me. then I felt anxious about my son's mom would refuse my installing new Japanese style sofa and mini-desk I bought online for my son in the aim to let him closer to Japanese life style like his Japanese mother, Asoh Yukiko. after woke up, I hurried to breakfast in dorm canteen. It's a sunny morning. I had done so many fruitful tasks by now. God, bring me sooner my Royal China, to bring happy end closer to reality. thx God dad.From 2014 admires |
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