dreamt of alumnus & proud of my own.^ these days busy with maintenance family web assets, against joblessness. last night busy with sorting bookmarks to reflect subdomains of family 17 domains till 23:30. the insane couples in neighbor dorm stalked me 7*24 and desperately demonstrated me their sick doings, after so many years evil eavesdropping through the thin paper wall of the cheap dorm. they dying for meaningless and self-destruction. in dawn dream I prepared master degree entrance exam in a campus, in a study hall. a girl tried to sell me lesson books. then I saw my classmate in NanKai Univ, who once scored highest in Henan Prov. undergraduate exam and proud son of our campus mentor, now a tenured professor in US specifying in Buddhism. I saw he in dream returned to China and turned into a mentor in campus, usually spy of tyrant Communist party in sinking PRC, too, while our mentor, a woman, now promoted to high rank of university director board. another schoolmate whose father was a professor in his hometown, migrated to Canada at once after graduation,also appeared in my dream. after woke up I felt so luck I am dreaming bigger, and God lets it sound and consolidated. It snowed last night, but not a heavy one. God, this month billing of my credit card coming, help me cope with hard economy. my promised land, my Empire, summon ur resources leading us onto highland of wealth. bring me sooner my Royal China to allow my work at home, with my children that's future of eastern Asia. thx dad, God.
dreamt of gracious woman as national proud.^ last dusk I visited my son after a week in which quite some changes happened, like my determination to seek out my new family and my other children Heavenly grants. my son treated me heartedly as usual. when I left he asked me staying longer aside him watching TV animation. in dawn I again got up later, even my son urged me to visit him earlier.I dreamt beautiful woman as national treasure and grace inherited by revolution leader, likely France Maximilien François Marie Isidore de Robespierre. the split of traditional and revolutional and merges. also I dreamt in 1930's China before civil war. I had insight from the dream PRC's successful communists preceders and their inspiration in celebrity women. then dreamt in Nankai Univ some sophormers held a debate competition and invited me join. I just researched China recent history and has findings about communists and their loves. God, bring me sooner my Royal China. bring me sooner my love, tall beautiful understanding young girl I have been so amazed at & craving for. its a cloudy morning, but God, I look forward holy gift for my gathering with my son. thx, dad, God.
dreamed of harms toward my son. ^ this week I was mostly busy with deploying my zohosites, which so powerful while easy to use. early stage works includes
co.faezrland.co o.agarten.in o.benzrad.us. most exciting functions connecting media source like twitter, facebook, google plus, deadly blocked in PRC and in unaccessible.casually I also recognized even powerful google sites harnesses, esp. embeddable elements/gadgets/snippets, when I compared it with zohosites, when my usual rash usage of the former under China surveillance never makes full fledge of it, damned broken & slow page loading result in bad user experience tampers my more improving study of the free site building/hosting portal. last night my youngest elder sister told me the day her first son married. lots of visitors including relatives celebrating the wedding ceremony. in dawn dream I continued seeing dangers threatening my son. the biggest is his mom took him away from me. then goes the insane and criminals. the bitchily sluggish woman carelessness put my son in mortally dangerous envies and revenges against him, who is so brilliant and precious. I dreamt bring my son into camping activities, where I again saw harmful attempts toward my son, including criminal defamation. I tried to help, but threats so thick that I hardly coped. God, my life needs moves on into new family, my other children need enter this world to complete me. with my children fortitude, with securer my first son, woz, in his plurality. God, my girls looking for our family long enough for usual people, bring us home on my promised land, in Royal China. God, u promised me taller, younger, smart & cuter girl accompanies me. take me there we start our relation graciously.thx, dad, God.
dreamt of infant son. ^this month salary dispatched earlier, and surprisingly restored to usual amount, ¥2132, after 2 months drop. recently I bought son a winter coat from amazon China. it arrived last Sunday but I previously intended to put on son when he visit my dorm this Saturday. but cheering salary yesterday changes my mind and I brought the gift visit son at 4pm Thursday. I proposed my son to dine out but his mom tentatively denied, saying she will dine out with son. she had complained my buying son dates several times, when I bought again last Sunday my son dates, the sick woman ditched directly on Wednesday, never ate one. I paid her to wash my clothes for I usually shower with son in public spa nearby his community and in convenience left clothes there,but yesterday I saw my dirty clothes in bag untouched for a week. the woman wanted me dirty and sick. left my son prematurely I prayed God forgiving the vicious woman and leave us alone for delicious life with my son enjoys so far. in this dawn I dreamt went over to another municipal library. the half way likely in gangster war. after sometime I brought my son back home, left behind the violent street. on way there is a lake where son played water till tired and slept in my arms. my sinful cousins tried to offer helping hands but I rebuffed. Its hard to put on a bag on my shoulders while maintaining my son sleeping, however I did and move on home on the mountainous road. the self-relied mood and glory of my son impressed me after I wake up. God, dad, more and more faith in Christian brings hostile Islamic just around me, allow me glimpse the source of wrong decree. people in my life I disagreed more and more armed themselves into terrorists and hostage organized. bring me freedom of easy life. bring me sooner my Royal China to be fruitful. thx dad, Asoh Yukiko, let's reunite in daily activities freshing memory of grace and salvage.