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Friday, March 19, 2010

daily comments by Benzrad on Mar 19,2010

Friday, March 19, 2010

China will bury the world with its disaster of long time dictation.

China will bury the world with its disaster which itself can't cure, sinks the docile world community with its handicapped social political architecture long time fed a impotent while unconstrained dictation up.

in reference to:http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/mar/15/china-migrant-workers-children-education (view on Google Sidewiki)

days in driving light.

bright day with rich dinner.^slept lately. dreamed but forgot content. baby visited me twice&urged me to got up. but i felt too sleepy to abide him. when i finally got up, i found the evil grandma playing chess with baby. her posture very sinful, toward baby. i at once created all games shortcuts on desktop as baby asked. when baby started to game on pc, i lingered awhile watching baby's gaming, then left. when i arrived office, its 9:30am. fine tuned my chrome's pinned tabs, manually coding till satisfied. sorted portable, dvd backup. retreated to dorm just after 1pm, continued to watch movie "hurt locker" till notebook run out of battery. dozed awhile till chatter from dorm administrators turned louder. reviewed my girl zhou, who talked with her cellphone yesterday when i walking to bus stop. at the moment i a bit hated her, for her indifferent to my appeals. but after all i know God granted a dewy girl, with who i at least have a twin, who is virtuous, and wise&attending with dignity. returned to office at 4pm. the sunshine was quite bright. read&download. later buzzed baby's mom, emakingir, to see if she had problem with her new attempt to build&maintain her QQ group with her colleagues&students. she said her busy with course ware&would like to discuss with me if she in the task. dined with Taiwan feature rice, and dumplings in the western style Chinese restaurant near my dorm. a man stood outside of the noodle restaurant when i passed it. returned to dorm, still felt the bliss from Masheng, Heaven. roamed about one hour, then blog, with new hope to meet my girl zhou. finished watching movie, hurt locker. check my posts online, then slept after 11pm.

reunited with baby son in dragon head lunar holiday.^got up at 7:20am. in office read after posting tweets. sorted stuff from web. refined some family google profiles. some deep insight in articles from e-magazine, economist, invited my review. the parties' dispute, the history burden in Japan's government-dominating economics. buzzed baby's mom, emakingir's land phone, but the grandma there said her daughter just left. baby said brought to hospital in the morning. baby son reluctant talk to me when i buzzed again just wanting to listen him. returned to dorm just after 2pm, dozed for about half&an hour. brought clothing to laundry of QRRS dorms, the woman just leaving for today is lunar holiday to eat pig's head meat. that remind me visiting baby son this night, now that i just got a baby game, toy story mania, a Disney product, and a compensation for one baby policy abiding, ¥60, dispatched at 1pm in office. met the leaving grandma on way, they just dined with the traditional food. ema later cooked me rice&fried mouton sticks. i busy with install games, demonstrated ema computer skill, synchronized data among family 3 computers. after dinner we ate together, ema read novel online, while i tried new games with baby. after 10pm, i strongly suggested family watching movies "hurt locker" i got gain from web, but only baby &me watched about half an hour, then baby asked to sleep. we slept divided: baby&his mom slept in baby's room while i slept in bedroom alone. what a bright day!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Holy message on dark in Chinese in bright sunshine.

bright sunshine. Holy message on dark in Chinese.^woke up before 7am. dreamed a lot. in family dinner, my passed dad, God, appeared but seemingly different from his normal appearance in my memory, and likely don't eat dinner with us, ie. likely from Heaven. a cat mated with a dog, we all saw it. then in a outdoor meeting with thousand audience, likely in Yan'an, Maozedong making a speech while Zhude hosting. i sat on the ground&try to shot or record. then dreamed of G.W.Bush, as well as Barack Obama, the American president now. got up at 7:30am, visit office at once. its a brilliant sunny morning. in office fine tuned my amplify posting options, search web for fix on unable to post rich media via its official page, commented&asked for help on the issue. later attracted by a chrome extension, page monitor, rightly positioned to answer my recent haunting idea to monitor my family domains' server status. fine tuned chrome setting by hacking into its sqlite db, and narrowly got my favorite outcome. retreated to dorm after 3pm when chill in office thick. recharged my telcom's deposit. roamed in dorm, reviewing Holy message, my love&family sites' building. some dorm residents returned earlier than official over time of the company. in office chat awhile with hometown folks about their meat consumption. refined my domain's dns settings. chatted with baby&his mom but they complained unavailable for dining. in the restaurant, a TV series hosted by Chinese comic star, Zhaobenshan赵本山, ignite my hatreds to the people in northeastern China, where tiger&dog dominating for a long history, and where the dean of last dynasty, Qing清,  on China stemmed from. their behavior just like nowadays China authority's behavior, bargain upon anyone passing their closed or fenced territory, smother any livings with brutal digging in one pit, humiliates spirit that's light&traveling non-stop. they occupied the land&eat out all meat and food on it. they r the laziest while most notoriously hungry predator, like wild dog or Chinese tiger. previously when i watch the comic star's acting in likely the most important occasion, CCTV's lunar Spring festival celebrating party every year end, i just felt his mimic too vivid, such cheap persons that let me laugh, but this time i saw clear the star represents the most dark aspect of Chinese culture, esp. northern Chinese, quite of whose food base lost&have to live with stealth, robbery, or mafia. they r in Chinese, 坐地泡, or 地头蛇, and Maozedong, or CCP's army, just that kind of mafia or gangsters fed by Japanese invader and heavier rubber, Russian Red, back half century. the insight shook me quite some time on way and returned to dorm. i pray God lets me needless to cram with the reality, but inspires me always with clearest idea&action. Zhao is the family name of the former Chinese dynasty, Song宋, before the last Chinese dynasty, Ming明, in my ancestor's title, in Zhu朱. i recognized God's setting in the sin of Song dynasty, as well as the darkest soul in Zhao's. i mean to change, change China as well as Chinese, in God's universal shine. kill tiger, fox, dog, as i ordained in my year of 2006's post on my google group, benzyrnill at http://groups.google.com/group/benzyrnill and faezrland at http://groups.google.com/group/faezrland, save China from war fire-baptism in its redemnption. that's my family duty in band with my Japanese Princess, Masheng, as well as American God. Masheng, God, i never enjoy staring into dark, rid me off painful brewing of blood animosity, just let me kill without any hesitation right&righteous, let me forever in morning sunshine, and flying breeze in ur message&spirit.

7th&heaviest snow in lunar 2010. new pleasure with pure source.^woke up by urine around 6:50am, got up at 7:59am. the snow lasting when i left the dorm. its now thick&likely thickest in lunar 2010. Masheng let me know its a pure pleasure, but a joice. in office posted a blog with recent photos. read till noon, then let download. Internet access strangely down in the mid, arouse the facing evil to foam lots of fuss. retreated to dorm just after 2pm. dozed awhile on bed, then arranged task ahead mentally. returned to office around 3pm. tried to setup my google appspot based on etherpad, an open source realtime cooperative tool, but too technical for me to setup. then baby's mom, emakingir buzzed in, asking help with her installing QQ, a Chinese main stream im. introduced etherpad to her. the freaky fat woman in neighbor office, ill drove a lot in ambiance, till left narrowly before i ready to leave. Masheng, the place i now staying really an mad house, help me steer into ever-brighter. the snow continued all days, killing dirt without mercy. dined with noodle&meat pies. God let cautious upon the restaurant. on way to dorm, met the priest of local church, talked to him about why i absent recently, and radio online i listening. he encouraged me to re-join, but God tells me not ripe time. in dorm listening music all night, sang alone when familiar songs arouses.
its nicely a grey day to kill: in the restaurant, a grey man i referred previously in blog, once lived in QRRS dorm when young as i witness, left just before i be seat. the neighbor dinners in a closet talking about borrowing&paying back money, just reminded me the money another grey man i referred in my previous blogs in QRRS, and only one from my hometown, Hubei Prov., put in my pocket before my last time retreated from QRRS dorm to return my hometown to be treated in asylum there. i several times reminded by the evil, the grey folk, that he made good use or cause of the money he laid to defame me among the community. God promises me i never owe anyone among human. when i visit the dorm lavatory i again met the grey man who just locked&leaving a room in the far end of the floor. so he also live in the dorm, even in last conversation he told me he had a son. God, u sees how many abnormal&distort here in this dirty corner of land.

Monday, March 15, 2010

days in brewing waiting.


a new&heavier snow since dusk.^got up to urinate, then slept again till near 10am. fetched bland dvds from office then visit baby's mom, emakingir's house, where i busy sorted stuff from web, installed new games for baby&tried with him, fix reportedly infected desktop by restored backup. full time engaged with activities on computer till early night. backup 3 dvds, left badly needed free space on my mean hard disk for further operation routinely. merely i can claim its rewarding. ema cooked fried beef as lunch for me, but dinner is too shabby: instant needle upon baby's asking. baby several times reported heat&avoid my caress. he later played pc game with his mom's visiting nephew, a Liu, but soon gave up for rest. routed by bus. ema's visiting students reported snowing in late afternoon. when i left it drifting thick. dined with noodle&pies. Masheng, thx u for the white gift. i hope i can sooner hold ur arms side by side. in dorm enjoy music&leisure. slept earlier in these days, after 11pm.


a featureless day.^woke up by urgency of urning at 8:42am. continued to sleep till noon. washed socks&inner clothes. left dorm around 1:30pm. bought oranges on way to office. Masheng let me know its all bright. the evil in office unplugged power wire, to shown me the adversity. in office prepared&posted recent photos.
the search web trying fix java apps can't access Internet on my moto. reinstalled many times, tried some tools to allow Internet access, but none save it. in night restored its os from backup, yet failed. it started to unable to connect the web after i demonstrate baby's mom, emakingir, in KFC franchise yesterday. likely since then the China telcom blocked my JAVA apps' Internet traffic, which likely a bit different from regular wap traffic, which all time working when surf with moto's native wap browser, but refute java apps like opera mini, google map, etc. sorted stuff, esp. ebook&games. when i passing the restaurant i haunt a lot, 2 men stood in open space, God let me evade the route. so i picked another restaurant which near my dorm, but the Chinese management style upset me, so i chose a restaurant even near my dorm, whose feature food is dumpling but adopts western style, like standard cooking, open kitchen, background music, bright indoor lightening. but its price a bit dealer: i ate a bowl of Taiwan feature rice, a dish of meat dumplings cost me ¥22. but i quite satisfied by its service. in dorm, listening music while rest. later continued trying fix my moto. baby's mom, emakingir, allowed me to visit next morning. baby said got heat last mid night. and we had to visit hospital to buy my medicines, for the woman previously sold me pills privately no longer available among emakingir's mobile contact. its all time a bright day. surfed&slept later than 12am.


a new snow.^last night in dorm i can hear the wolfing of wind. this morning the sound of cleaning snow on ground woke me up. i lingered on bed after 8:30am, till my cellphone remind me of getting up for several times. in office clean my box.net shared files. tried to delete spam posts in baby's mom, emakingir's twitter, but proxy tool again failed me. posting daily tweet cost me longer time for amplify didn't autopost my tweet. sorted stuff from web&catalog graphic asset&backup to portable. its snowed last night, in morning the sky is pale, but turns sunny near noon. Holy message lets me doubt. enjoyed music online at noon. the facing evil stared at me while sit a lower sofa since work time of the afternoon, might felt that can daunt me. retreated to dorm near 2pm. fine tuned bookmark in opera mini on cellphone, then dozed in blanket till near 4pm. God lets me meet my baby by switching another way from a grey man's entrance. baby with his mom&grandma. the later soon left, baby's mom, emakingir, let me carry baby son to dine in KFC nearby, as she promised baby. there baby played pc games on my notebook, join the baby zone in the western style restaurant. i also shot some photos of baby eating&playing. ema suggested i bought medicines privately from a hospital worker, like we did last time. in this way we can buy more medicines than in regular clinch visit, and more expedient. baby's mom also bought me a hanburg. i demosstrated her the powerful os on her moto. she attracted&even invited me hacking her Nokia, but i refuted for too exhausted these days with moto. sent baby&his mom left, i visited office, where i tried to prepare more pc games for baby for my next visit. dined with noodle&pies. bought food on way, in singing of Masheng. in dorm blogged after tried new game&vector cliparts. the wind outside reminds me a cold night.

visit related album: Spring festival of lunar new year of 2010 ending. the street lanterns removing by municipal workers. i these days ran into my baby son who now join his kindergarten routinely several times. yesterday God again let me occasionally met my baby son with his mom, emakingir. they arranged to dine in KFC nearby. so we had a good time. my dreamed 3rd wife, my girl zhou, still evading me. i these days spent most of time in office online to kill time. God, Masheng, u know the distance between us&our marriage ahead. let us closer and forged into one new family! here again a bright morning, after last night wolfing wind.
From year end of lunar 2010 Spring festival, God let us reunite
From year end of lunar 2010 Spring festival, God let us reunite
From year end of lunar 2010 Spring festival, God let us reunite
From year end of lunar 2010 Spring festival, God let us reunite

for picasaweb&flickr blocked within CHina mainland, the shit&dog dominated sinful land, here some digest of photos hosted domestically.

baby son, warrenzh, 朱楚甲(http://facebook.com/zhuchujia ), dining with his mom, emakingir(http://profiles.yahoo.com/emakingir ) in KFC.

the street outside of QRRS' dorms.

QRRS' Dorms, where benzrad (http://profiles.google.com/dabbog )lingered these months for his new marriage with his girl zhou, in sunshine after snow.