Aug 18, 2016
dreamt in a tour returning home. met my Tibet artist friend Benba Chungdak. he collects painting job on street. then with him to campus where his dorm hided his paintings. then I saw my 2 wives, a Taiwan girl already with my son, and Asoh Yukiko who gracious as usual. they trifled a small bit upon my love among them, and I blamed my son's mom's improper grudge with Asoh. I'm so glad to see Asoh, who is so beautiful and cordial forever. they likely disputed with persimmon cakes and I brought the gift more for them. they waited for me too long together in the campus. my once mentor in Nankai Univ, a woman in family name Young, led me to where I saw my family. its such a proud and relief, esp my Queens still so beautiful, I caress Asoh and calmed down my son's mom, so pleasant that I woke up at once. napped again found I carried 2 stone stamps to evaluate. the woman auditor identified my own product and another I inherited. she priced the ancient one ¥100,000 and encouraged me practize more on sculpture for true substantial value. its so nice dreams that I would rather not to talk any other topics now. dad, God, I had lived without woman for nearly 10 years. grant me my beloved girls, esp Asoh Yukiko, girl TW, to complete my life long desire of beauty. bring me sooner my Royal China to maintain Majesty, Mighty for beauty. grant me finance independence and offspring prosperous.
Aug 14, 2016
dreamt first about imperial army of English, France, Germany. I was with british army which I reckon best disciplined and survived world monarchy crisis back to World War I. then dreamt with my cousin from his village. on way passing a cave I found a tortoise in its lair and caught it. I blamed escorts didn't bring pincer with us. then in a factory I cooperated on crane with my once colleagues, a man and a woman, trying protect 2 objects while moving other subjects. after the practise I will publish a book. this morning I felt sleepy. last Friday I in holy affirmative visited my son who muted my instant message, against risk of being cursed by his insane mom, a small bitch. then found my son never implement our new router vpn app. I demonstrated him again. during the process, local cop buzzed in, saying ccb bank entreated the police station to urge me clear my credit debt, in the courtesy of neighborhood of their office buildings. returned to QRRS dorm, my 2nd elder sister called. she let me know my kid brother's recent visit was trusted by my other sibling in hometown, and blamed him didn't complete the voyage. I told her my kid brother's wrong perception upon cheating bank, or escapage of debt, claiming PRC's bank system all follows modern western bank's practice, as corporate activity, no violence no cheating once common phenomenon in old Chinese dynasties. I told her and later my kid brother bank's penalty acceleration will soon surplus my paying back speed with my poor salary, making my debt ever-increasing. then she suggested helping me to pay back once for all. I knew how poor they are but still hopeful upon resolving my credit crisis, as holy hints. yesterday I visited my son earlier than usual after persuading him install a reply message app on his smartwatch after he complained no way to reply directly on it. his mom soon brought him to go cinema after we just test out receiving social networks' im while sending function yet problematic. God, help us get what we want. break barrage against our universal messaging service. grant me financial independence before it went worse. dad God, bring me sooner my Royal China to remove the sinking nightmare of PRC aimlessness but devastation. bring me new family and sound business in buffeting PRC prewar.
Aug 11, 2016
this week very busy with innovate our internet borderless access by install router app. I visited my son on Monday to settle it against the bitch, his mom's curse. but she in fact absent. according my son his mom in a 3 days tour out. we indeed enjoy more broader freedom online. my son more or less agreed with me the endeavor after we called it a day and watched Amazon video together with his pad game. last Saturday I taught him a lesson when I found he didn't respect my gift, his new Sony SmartWatch, and ditched aside. I blamed him wrong judgement upon quality of people and thing. later we reconciled in excuse of his naive. since left him I busy with fine tune my website template for 2 days, adding page break into all articles to make homepage more tidy with summaries, more compelling in versatile layouts, esp columns. last night after fixed chrome missing flash plugin and doesn't play video, after enjoyed the peace of watching my favorite USA TV drama, I deeply missing my son, doubting why he turned off so long, ignored my instant message. lately around 9:30pm I buzzed him but he likely slept. this morning I felt sleepy again after breakfast, I tried to immerse in reading and watching but failed. in nap I dreamt I cooking some delicacy in a niche with hotpot, the mood likely in my hometown and my old family, except I am the husband and father. I waited and waited while my son or my concerned more or less impatient. when I ready to open beer, I in urgency to poo but can't help shit in my pant. I intended to replace my under clothes in toilet room by myself but at once woke up. God, dad, I do my best to improve our living environment. even it likely not in my son's interest but I inspired to do it on my own. dad, what's wrong in my son's silence upon my efforts to equip him? Dad God, what's my futile to bring about improvement in my son's living standard? or is it just the sinful little woman's curse and reckless blockage? grant me good stay with my son, in my means catering to him. bring me sooner my Royal China to fix the uncertainty in unity my son, Hope of China, God of Universe. bring us home and voyage with my Crowned Queen from Japan, Asoh Yukiko. engage me with my cyberspace startup, and traffic meaningful to our web presence. thx, Father.
Aug 1, 2016
first dreamt my passed parents. then dreamt as secretary of chief scriptwriter of CCTV, PRC's official TV station. we slept on a giant bed with lots of colleagues, like scene of Kanye West's "Famous" MTV, reviewed lots of grand history, taiga drama, masterpiece episode, all kind of popular TV programs created from nothing, including the most dominant carnival, annual lunar new year eve party show. we help or direct lots of famous theme commentary or documentary series, for we not only scholar but also all familiared each other to team up. we can check in without ticket anytime. then my boss shitted some on bed and blamed me as scapegoat. all people on bed laughed and didn't probe real trouble maker any more. last week we settled woz's new Sony smart watch 2. he installed most on his own, but while he too busy to logon facebook, twitter, gmail account, I did instead when he is away for his lesson in my Friday visit with inform of his ongoing setup. that's more or less regret for I promised him he handles the new gadget himself, for the sake of technological savvy. the celebration ends with Japanese cuisine lunch he preferred, but he didn't eat much, in fact quite few. and after shower later, he felt exhausted and ate less fruits, too. I also felt sorry mingling his new gear, so I picked video games in 2 weekends. my son joined me sooner, fought through soon in "Bioshock: infinite" till complete, and proud progress in "L.A Noir". he needs more pals to play with, while I babbled too much for maintain Royal linkage. in the week bankcomm clearance crew, I mean male dog, lost patience and trying abuse me with my asylum record. the dog even buzzed my kid brother claiming my mental status unstable, but in fact it totally clueless and just aiming provoking my frustration or anger. God dad, release my son's potential to self-rely, guide him meanings in normal life. bring me sooner my Royal China to integrate Chinese youth's future commitment with Empire of China in 1109 years ahead. straighten holy road toward sanity and strength. grant us finance independence, my startup's success as voice of Royal China and merit of democratic China.