Jan 27, 2017
last night woke up earlier then dwelling in dreams. first dreamt in zoo with dearest son, woz. 2 cheap girls recklessly open cage of tiger and let it at large. we rushed to evade and scattered. when I returned near zoo and found tiger caught woz and indecisively tore his clothes. in terror I scream for zoo manager's help. when he in sight and running closer, I approached the tiger and woke up. I timely noted it on my mobile. then dreamt an OCR software's advertisement on media. I was more or less familiar with pirate warez once, so I'm sure I will get a copy of the tool. I felt glad with it I can turn some Chinese textbook and its tests digitally for woz's exercise. then all dreams about flying, with a delegation of school teachers likely in vacation tour. I can fly without any voyage, and use it to challenge barrage around me. this is a pale morning and eve of lunar new year. my returning train ticket still pending while brokerage already handed over. woz gained about ¥2100 pocket money from his hometown relatives. I didn't send out any gift money, including my newly married nephew. but I told him my startup and hard economy and promised will help him in future when my situation better. yesterday is the turning day of our vacation here, half elapsed. we made nice demonstration to country guys about steam online games to larger LED, chromecast mirror screen, English online videos. our poor dell notebook almost broke down after heavily load of video gaming, in frequent freeze now. I sincerely best wishes to my relatives here, hoping someday I can improve their lives. they already saw satisfactions in the decade when most nephews built their families. God dad, bring me sooner my Royal China to my larger family, for my future offspring. bring me Asoh Yukiko for glory of regal affair. grant us financial freedom to support my online startup.
Jan 25, 2017
first dreamt inspecting a girl secretary of Communist Youth league. she later in charge of a business owned by CCYL, then the business turns in property of girl her own. then dreamt being an India school boy. he studied diligently and guessed or cheated to know exam's topic so scores highest. the topic likely about self-restrain, in Chinese in dream exactly "纲功伐满". his mom and sister celebrate his performance. his school dean who usually stern but now also welcomes him warmly. the boy gladly goes shopping with award, a check. this morning I woke up by the dream and made memo on my mobile. then I fell asleep again till my son got up. my elder sister asked us stay for celebrating lunar new year especially. my nephew came from my hometown village to invite our visit but I defied it for I felt vengeful against my brothers, esp my kid brother who made us harder when he had to aid me meanly. so I decisively evade him and his family, including the village, Zhudajiu where my 2 elder brothers didn't extend helping hand during my credit debt crisis last year. among the relatives and rich meal I abrupt left to my younger elder sister's house to blog. here my 2 nephews also hurry to downtown market. my dearest son, woz, aside me with his pc games. lunar new year holiday can be boring, for lunar harvest season doesn't exist nowadays. I just too far from any celebration in my family affair, nor regal affair. with additional ¥300 in this salary from QRRS, I equipped my family amazon prime another year, but nowhere to find fund to renew another 12 zhone domains esp. under woz's title. God, dad, pl allow me finishing last todo annually in this month. let 2017 anxious free and firm business as seeds soiled. bring me sooner my Royal China to house my beloved, my children. bring Asoh Yukiko when we still breed. grant us financial independence and ability to see through adversity. thx dad.
Jan 21, 2017
dreamt siblings competition in economy. mafia tried to control state owned properties and bidding for merger. I was threatened not to bid but managed to, among my relatives influence. the flight toward hometown esp. smooth, all my unease evaporated after a night and a day's on way. its my first time brought a luggage and I had to ask stewardess where to fetch it back. my son grows more confident in the journey with flight. our neighbor seat was likely a graduate girl, we made nice chats. we only had ¥500 budget for on road cost, and it did cover, including taxi to my sister's house in a town, our destiny. these days a nephew's wedding in preparing, for the bride's house too far, in neighbor province, so she will move to hotel in the county's capital in advance. tomorrow will be the wedding ceremony holds locally. our returning voyage still pending, for the train ticket too scarce to buy. we paid Ctrip.com to hunt for us, and it monitored more than 500000 times and still going. the town's business mostly cement, whose pollution quite severe. but today is second sunny day since our settlement and sunniest one so far. the 2 sons of my sister each has a car. their house newly furnished. I even already looking forward to return while my son still find funs here. all equipment we brought with us works well here, allowing woz to demonstrate online games with gamepads, mobile games chromecast to large LCD. hope he find friends here. God dad, we still have 12 domains to renew, pl grant us space to execute it. bring me sooner my Royal China to host our friends and relatives in glories. bring my Crowned Queen from Japan, Asoh Yukiko, for my family and children. thx, dad.
Jan 12, 2017
dreamt of my once campus alumnus, in surname Shi. he was one of 2 schoolmates helped me when I first settled in Qiqihar thousand miles from my hometown after graduation. in dream his house near mountain and open. at first I thought its scenery. then I anxious about safety. Shi first denied problem then gradually admitted it. his only elder sister then joined conversation, reviewed gunned robberies, as well as wild mountain predators, together their brutality hurt their family and young memories in feeble. then I review our old house also just under and inward 2 mountains' junction and kept so well by my grand dad, warm, vivid and self-relies. in reality when I first settled in Qiqihar and visited Shi's house, his house is a small slum among shabby northern China normal residential area. toilet was near mile away and backyard least spacey. but after nearly 2 decades, many slums turned into skyscrapers here and I don't know where is Shi and his old family now. these weeks preparing hometown tour 3rd with woz, dearest son. I previously severe concerned if my credit debt deprives me of airline, but narrowly I got our flight ticket in a mid Monday night. my kid brother tried his best to sell poverty, claiming my sister can't afford our flights but under my emphasis promised ¥5000 from my sister arrived in 2 times remission my failing kid brother loathed to complete. we got a flight toward hometown while return voyage is train whose ticket paid but still in hunting by ctrip.com, a Chinese mainstream travel agency, due to PRC cheap policy said to protect the poor while in fact lots of brokers profit from the scarce of train ticket out from saturated market. my alipay also once strangely locked me out of payment, till called its support crew to fix it. recently I mostly unease if my payment method totally freezed but so far attests I at large with my assets. nevertheless, with remaining Chinese Yuan, I equipped myself another domain, billingzhu.com for my future new family member perceives in holy message. soon after I gained it from godaddy.com it strangely deleted from my account. after spent near half day desperately resuming it, I had to call godaddy support but found unknown deletion likely beyond my intentionality. and PRC tightens law against personal domain ownership esp of overseas, restricting ISP within its sovereign from support. God, reckless dictator in sinking PRC desperate clinging to my portal online. where is the barked tree tall enough for voice of holy bliss, voice of hope in destructive nation like China under CCP seizure? bring me sooner my Royal China to extinguish sickened tyrant in PRC falling day by day in fear and hatred. bring me sooner my Crowned Queen from Japan, Asoh Yukiko, and our happy journey to central China, our hometown, in gathering our relatives in lunar new year 2017. grant us free web and steady investment on our cyberspace startup. thx, dad God.
Dec 29, 2016
first dreamt Pony Ma, founder of tencent.com, lives our neighbor. when I leaving my house topless, he and his parents just returning home and caught astonished. I explained I was in active art performance after found myself fully naked. then dreamt among kids. I esp cared a little girl likely a Tibetan. then with my kid traveling in delegation of my once colleagues of QRRS cable TV station. my kid creative and rushes to package and seats for the bus when we leaving a mountain village, just like myself unsettled for tour coming. this week barely looking forward to new year end bonus from my once and long time employer, QRRS. last salary brought me ¥3100, merely covered credit debt clearance monthly, 2000rmb. now I had several small bill to write off, inc tea subscription, treating neighbor kid for his lent us internet during our switching to fiber optic from PPPOE dialing, monthly cinema with woz, Taiwanese restaurant Formosa membership recharge, keep alive several debit accounts after annual fee charges, groupon showers, etc. I already had 2 local debtee with debt 1100rmb, and my web assets didn't fully renew, esp small cost but largely rewards, like amazon prime, localphone rental. I almost can't live without them. zhone's 12 domains under woz, my dearest son's title, also needs renewal which nearly costs $250. coming new year holiday also renders additional expense for dorm canteen then will out of service. I have to feed myself and treat my son in gatherings in the period. devil in dorm still pesters me, even more shamelessly and desperate. they frequently cut me offline when I enjoy passive listening or watching, ie. no my input on computer, trying to entangle me in cheap under espionage. they also deprive me off due caliber of web traffic capacity, results in badly lagging video and webpage loading loop at rate near 0 bps. they setup spare no effort to profane my solo and ruin my pleasure among cyberspace community but only reveal their ugly bloody mouth barking upon wrong tree. my dorm's window wall leaked, loose with many ashes broken down. I invited dorm director, a young tall and beautiful woman, to inspect if it turns dangerous. but she brought 2 technicians and they claimed well around. I still don't believe in. I want change to another dorm room well in shape and to evade the dark and poisonous souls sieged my current dorm, esp the spitting and cough pretending cow in facing neighbor. my current residential situation likely predefined before my move in, doomed to frustrate me and intimidate me into sad silence among criminal and sicken. they hated my brilliant website long enough. God, dad, bring me sooner my Royal China to vitalize my mission so far so joyful to discipline Chinese in new millennium for future gracious survival, for greater transformation of its people and culture sound and independent. bring my son and myself via airline to our hometown in 3rd journey out of anxiety. grant me independent finance to maintain our web investment and growth of presence online.