Saturday, May 22, 2010
rains clean, rains moisture the thirsty.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
real booming summer heat arriving, among rains in southern China.
a warm cloudy morning.^the rubbish rabbles among sinful neighbor wives woke me up, and drove me getting up. sang in echo of birds' twitters. a visiting niece's shows her astonish upon baby son's smartness, and enchanted me. then prepared recent photos for publish. roasters croaking around, so peaceful a village scene!19/5/2010
busy day, end it with family plaxo profile refined.^read most day. sorted stuff from web. late afternoon visited front plaza of the village&elder brother's house. shot some photos. teased the grandson of brother. dined in back yard of my dad's old house. baby's mom, emakingir, inquired Chinese job sites, but refused to elaborate online in night, when i tried to chat with baby son via QQ. check ema's 163 blogs, refined family plaxo profiles, done till near 10pm.From Hometown Journey Ⅱ |
From Hometown Journey Ⅱ |
From Hometown Journey Ⅱ |
From Hometown Journey Ⅱ |
From Hometown Journey Ⅱ |
for picasaweb&flickr blocked within China mainland, the shit&dog dominated sinful land, here some digest of photos hosted domestically.
my passed dad's craft: traditional stone lintel.
village hall of Zhudajiu, benzrad's hometown.
raining day small stream gathered on ground in dad's old house's backyard.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
benzrad's tweet&comment in rain days till now a bright and fresh morning.
tweet on May 19,2010
first mild sunny morning in these raining days.^last night worked on family clogs till 11pm. this morning neighbor wives' babble together outside woke me up. its the first day in series of rain day with weak sunshine. i at once shifted my workspace into my dad's old house' front yard. fresh air and breeze let me at ease. i like my works since my arrival at my hometown village, my dad's land, so far. harvest season just assured from Heaven. now praying God that my beloved, my girls, esp. my girl zhou, follow and join me sooner. my fruit of persistent unshakable vision, living with my joy and love, ready for my girls, my Royal of China. God, that's my prayer in this auspicious morning.
tweet on May 18,2010
fruitful day.^drizzle&cloudy all day. help baby's mom, emakingir, update her local bookmarks via remote desk as scheduled, to include zoho challenge accounts claimed last night. read, later with help from friends in google buzz, activated family qq microblog accounts. tried to inform ema&succeeded in afternoon. so nice a day. visit .even i dislike QQ, a Chinese mainstream portal, but i own the right to open its service, which in beta&requests invitation code, under my qq account. then tried zoho's new product, challenge, setup some question bank&mashup 2 tests. in night tried to suggest ema tried the ready tests. baby played pc game with his mom, and don't want to talk to his grandma, who felt at a loss&urged me to teach baby to show respect to her, but i rebuffed it. its really a fruitful day.
tweet on May 17,2010
a epiphanic morning.^posted a new blog entry last night. in dawn it rains cats and dogs. i praying God saves my bed&gadgets from raindrop, for the old roof leaked lots of raindrops.
full day rains to clean dirt.^raining all day. read most of time. nephew, now a entrepreneur, brought mother some gifts. a sinful fat woman of a villager's wife, seduced mother to profane my passed dad. taught mom the sin, but the demon cooked me a rich dinner&again fell into evil&recharged with feeling of triumph. God, save me from wasted mercy.
tweet on May 16,2010
a day of bliss.^read. treated visiting children&students with animation online and games. prepared&posted recent photos, failed many times even via proxy, succeeded with a cute girl's companion. late afternoon haunted front space of the village, shooting photos. the evil neighbor wives peeking me&around. God blesses me in dusk drizzle when i ate a rich dinner mother prepared. posted a blog entry for it in night.
tweet on May 15,2010
God's message yesterday.
benzrad's comment on May 17,2010
清华女生13年前被投毒铊中毒事件因阴暗的权力较量至今未果 - GFW BLOG
Sunday, May 16, 2010
God affirms me with mighty deed in dusk drizzle.
today witness God's deed. the morning when i got up its gloomy. after breakfast i read indoor. then shifted to front yard of my dad's old house to read when it turned clearer. soon some kids in the village visited me. i treated them with animation online. when some of them asking for games, i let them playing pc games on my notebook. then more children or students arrived&gamed, let the front yard noise and happy. after forced them left when i felt enough, i prepared recent photos, and posted them with God's help against China surveillance, which failed me for more than an hour when i fought alone. a cute girl accompanied me when i succeeded posting to picasaweb. i shown her and later other girls their photos on my album online. when they started to game, i rested or tutored them to master computer mouse they first time used. they tried 3 games, and reluctant to give up. i soon brought my camera to haunt the village's front plaza, where again empty, likely most residential busy with indoor gambling. i shoot some photo of water, one of my favorite theme, then visit my elder brother's home, where i shot more scenery pictures. mother asked neighbor wives to buy pork, and still preparing dinner when i returned home. i rested in my dad's old house's back yard. its a long time before mother served dinner, and when i started to eat dinner, some evil neighbor wives gathered to watch the coming drizzle driving my mother indoor. but i insisted to finish dinner in drizzle. when i finished first bowl of rice with some marvellous dishes, the drizzle stopped. i felt God's bliss and exchanged one or two sentences with a neighbor wife for glad seeing the rain favor us. then a more serious drizzled suddenly arrived, mother rushes to collect dishes and moved to house to evade the drizzle even i insisted and finished my dinner in the drizzle, which wet my suite's shoulders. God don't alert me with precaution, but i know i do the right things any time. in peace, i shifted the table, which only left a dish by my failed mother, to our house after my last suck of rice wine several weeks ago elder sister bought me, and went outside lavatory to make water. the drizzle stopped almost at once. i chatted in dad's front yard with neighbor wife and her son about a new game i got late afternoon, and invited the kid even i knew he wouldn't join for the failure and hostile from his demon family. then i sang in open air till mother let me doing cleaning for night. the matter in the dusk is clearest God's deed. for the sinful neighbor wife, just behind my dad's house, is a Buddhist. she worshipped a puppy Buddha in her room facing our kitchen. dad, God, u shown killing and all why this dusk.its all right when i watching TV. but mother felt at a loss, and tried to challenge me by sat parallel to me on my bed watching TV. i know her struggle against me, till she retreated in her claim for sleep. God, u sees i never response for any sins in the world of human.
benzrad's tweets&comments in May 12-16,2010
{May 12, 2010} mercy in Heaven.
{May 13, 2010} God blesses.
From Hometown Journey Ⅱ From Hometown Journey Ⅱ From Hometown Journey Ⅱ From Hometown Journey Ⅱ
for picasaweb&flickr blocked within China mainland, the shit&dog dominated sinful land, here some digest of photos hosted domestically.
some plants and the village hall.
village children and students played pc games on benzrad, my notebook.
granddaughter of my elder brother.