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Tuesday, December 15, 2015

now my workload empowered with intel nuc.


1st post on my new intel nuc. recent bare expectations almost all settled, after relentless checking package status from website and dorm reception desk. last Sunday my shower water a bit cool and almost let me get cold. So I decided change my old woolen sweater after a sweating night and restored health. the new clothes were bought from amazon after my wrest too painful to stand straight and doubting what's wrong with me or my clothes. new under clothes very fit and functional, even thin as it is. my nephew, who operates a clothing shop at taobao.com, sent me some clothes, but the parcel was cut half a large opening when it arrives me, don't know if nor how many items stolen. the express service might hijacked by a midaged man I got known. I first attracted by his wit comment upon huge heap of Chinese holiday parcels, then found he alcohol additive. then found him holding my parcel and delayed, I complained to amazon. he soon informed and buzzed in threatened me with referred my once workplace pals in QRRS, unveil historical hate and grudge. he then bumped into my dorm room attempting intimidate me. this time he torn my parcel is obvious clue the hate even acid and dangerous. I hope the ill patient soon find himself home if he treats his work so badly. this week also saw 3rd shoes I bought from amazon US fits my son well and he enjoys it.after 2 previously wrong sized and kept in my stock. his lounge smart TV, powered with windows 10, also at his disposal. after all these wonderful gifts my debt to bank ammounts to ¥60,000. I looking forward year end bonus ceases awhile urgence and ready my family expenses spaciously. this dawn dreamt with my Huanggang senior middle school alumni, Wanglewen, leaving my hometown Zhudajiu. someone likely deceased in the village and on way we met monsters, bestility. the latter likely echo of a report on Chinese girl graduates likes web erotic literature. after made water and noted my dream, I returned to bed and dreamt mostly with my son, we likely trying test something. last night was snowing. in the dusk I visited my son with KFC, with his parcel, 3 thick Japanese woolen sock for his boots without inner fur. the grandma claimed without fur it should be cold, so I equipped him with the expensive socks to make use of new boots as soon as possible. when he returned from his swim lesson, I accompanied him ate KFC and unpack socks, then I returned to my dorm in the white world. God, dad, here I pray coming year end, including the month, allow me returning more my credit deficit. grant us a smooth holiday travel to my kid brother's house in southern China. grant us full power of credit to harness up. bring me sooner my Royal China, my crowned Qureen from Japan, Asoh Yukiko. bring me my girls and our offspring graciously.


dreamt chasing a girl Japanese graduate. later I met her in supermarket, where we found common topics. when she found her lost socks appeared in other 3 Chinese bucket, a parent and his son-in-law, the Japanese girl weeped. I hold her tight and made clear the stealth. when we left, our hearts fulfilled with love. I had to get up to blog the dream, near 7 Am. Yesterday was a great day. amazon surprised me in 2 or 3 days delivered a Led TV I ordered to woz's house. I settled it yesterday, with son's cooperation during installation. It works perfectly with intel nuc, new vpn my family adopted also works steadily. in dusk, my youngest sister and brother both buzzed me. my sister now caring her 1st son and daughter-in-law after her grandson born recently, offered me another ¥1000. my brother dropped to see if I need more clothes against winter chill. I told my sister how her children strongly blessed, urged her measure merits more valued than fast rich. I also disclosed my wrest painful in past week and I tried to fix it by bought myself new looser woolen pants. last Saturday I brought my son watched 3d movie, "SpongeBob SquarePants", its a great relax for son, woz, who loves icecream, popcorn and formosa dinner through the cinema. after replaced trousers my wrest pains dilated, I lunched again in Taiwanese cuisine restaurant with woz as Sunday lunch. I tried pc game even not so energetic, and made progress indeed. woz prepared his homework, paintings for new year's day. when I returned my dorm, his new boots, pants we ordered on amazon US, arrived, after so many weeks we expected. today he will open the parcels and cheer up. that's how today, Dec 7 starts a blog about my Crowned Queen from Japan, the love still warm after I got up. in doze again near 7am, dreamt my oldest niece treated me in Zhudajiu, our hometown village, with her pocket money and chicken of free range. dad, God, bring me sooner my Royal China to host my girls, my children so beautifully gifted. grant us joyful life we enjoyed so far. in coming salary helps me return credit more and capable. thx silent moment in this dawn when I mistaken 6am as 7am.
Photo Description: woz, dearest son's homework painting celebrating new year 2016. he painted his proud dad with badge in it.


new spending for consolidating warehouse. in 2nd snow in Qiqihar 2015, thanksgiving mood allows me executed due task, purchase longest term of ownership over zhone 18 domains. last month renewal partially extended but due insufficient finance anxiousness, this time closes up the regret in the beautiful 2015.
visited son at once after the purchase, but found intel nuc yet compatible with old Haier TV, the os, windows 10 definitely working, but video card crashes each time after bios logo appeared. I was exhausted by difficulties in the bug after google the problem. so bought woz a new smart TV from amazon. hopeful it works perfectly with intel nuc as lounge media center.
God, risk of deficit might hurt me, result in my painful neck last week, and now my wrest, which times and times so painful that I can't stand straight right after sitting. grant me healthy lifestyle we enjoy so far. young dogs in the dorm can poison me, sinful woman in son, woz's house can curse me. the insane daughter and her mom, my son's custody now, more and more hateful toward my resist to cohere their cheating and dirty way. the bitch, son's mom, sneered me every time I visiting my son, while her disgusting mom, tried to show me the aspect of carrot. they r in fact couples married, like brothel trap for innocent young man. my civil marriage with the tiny woman no way a chosen, but harsh reaction upon challenging reality in my 33 years old after busy learning and working for living all times mostly setup by enemies of my Royal China.
God, so meaningful 2015 brought about that I never fully grasp ur holy idea. this year means so much for my business here on the planet. save me from debt in coming monthly pay day of my credits. thx the saint snow, dad.
Photo Description: QRRS Dorm's new member, dorm 4th newly built, in 2nd snow of winter 2015. peaceful as it is, substantial attracting in its design and fresh appearance.


boring gift season in China. when napped before visiting my son, dreamt played with a rifle. I missed first fire and mistakenly fired the second bullet, which likely on the target, and dissected the 3rd bullet in harsh to avoid been found at scene. these 2 weeks boring in waiting for my parcels ordered online put me in sadness. the gift season, esp the faked 11.11 by alibaba.com, hijacked most express delivery into paralysis. one of my orders, from amazon China, a day later than its longest scheduled deliver date yet kept me waiting, ie. 5 days it still on way from Beijing to Qiqihar. waiting made me vulnerable, emphasized my tender status depends on trifle pleasure of shopping, like reckless Mideast creatures. in the weeks I napped more and more in the morning to escape meaninglessness. I napped so hard that my neck hurt and painful. I hope the motionless of my pinched life turns again fluid after the suffering weeks. now time to visit my son, woz, Hope of China, my dream can be vivid again under sunshine in the featureless winter.
God, dad, its Black Friday and all its news hurries me to purchase while I hardly affordable. grant us financial plenty to have fun in year end of 2015. grant us smooth holiday, including lunar Spring festival in sight now, when deserves us right mood for new year 2016. bring me sooner my Royal China, my girls in new family, when I still enjoy companions. thx for 2015 we harvested so much!