baby's mother, ema, more or less unbalanced upon my purchase of a camera and a notebook, so she ask for treat and i permitted. we dined out nearby. i of cause bring my camera and here is the scene of our gathering.
others are our family life at home. baby also tried the camera to shot me. its all too beautiful with the so nice camera.
the weekends i mainly preparing a working environment on my notebook, for backup. baby likes the new camera and the new notebook. he now asked to own the old pc solely.
all after all, its just too perfect of my life. i hope my shooting skill improved sooner.
God sees.
others are our family life at home. baby also tried the camera to shot me. its all too beautiful with the so nice camera.
the weekends i mainly preparing a working environment on my notebook, for backup. baby likes the new camera and the new notebook. he now asked to own the old pc solely.
all after all, its just too perfect of my life. i hope my shooting skill improved sooner.
God sees.
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