today its gloomy all day. at noon on the way home the wind so strong that its hard to drive my bike. and in the wind sands mixed. the windy spring likely launched. i these days turned agiler in the morning in office, less time dozing. the sun, with its freshest and most loveable phrase in a day, always received me on the ground when i left my home in the dawn. i was really enchanted by the spectacular.
these days i sensed separation between the colleagues and me. each time recently i haunted the neighbor room which sits the news department of the cable tv branch of QRRS, my long time employer and a state-owned enterprise, when i wanted a break in reading, they seldomly acknowledged me. in an occasion i talked with a guy,who more or less has more common interests on computer with me, about my newly got domain with the help from my alumni he commented why i not try to live in US. he felt they r the owner of the old land of China and i m an alien. but i exactly know i m the offspring of the innovating China, the grand dragon with everlasting glories. China extended all his means to reach the outer world since Ming dynasty whose emporer breed me and my townfolks. aged China need new fresh blood from western world, and it offered to suffer to afford the cost of combining the northeast tribe as well as the western habitants.
in the afternoon the monitor of my dep. brought a long cable to connect the pc of a office guy previously from labor worker but a short time longer than i worked for the cable branch,whose seat just facing me, with the company lan, left the newcomer, a naive girl graduate majoring Chinese, and me without access to the corporate lan. they r just bulliness all around. i doomed to see the day with light casts all over, just like google's service spread all over the civilization freely. a world of equality, of quality life, among its all member will arrive, to prove human , as the creature of God, as proved with grace and equal privilege.
Mobile post sent by benzillar using Utterz.
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