Jul 8, 2016
dreamt to marry a minor tribe girl. the girl's family likely lives in mountainous southwestern China. according to their custom, first daughter will never marry but as heiress of family and move to second daughter's marriage as escort. I'm happy with the marriage and in the eve of wedding ceremony I talked with my brother-in-law near a campfire while eating. I let him not to allow fire wind licks my woollen shirt while I sat closely around the fire. then my past dad passed away, he unhappy my casual but insecure way near fire. he gazed me with anger then I woke up. my fiance is the second daughter of the family which has 3 daughters. and she is likely tall, thin and beautiful. yesterday bankcomm again buzzed in and talked detailedly about my family, my finance. she got my son's mom's, and my kid brother's mobile number. the dorm canteen operator also inquired how is their loan of boarding and urged they in short of cash. in the night I busy with fix typo among my sites on my wiki page. after settled it time to bed. I surfed awhile then went to bed. on bed I deeply frustrated by urged by nearby acquaintance. the operator family long time has a different tradition or culture I reckon sinful from mine. they not only hurry me to pay back their loan but also attempted blocking my boarding there. without boarding and with my frozen salary by PRC's credit administration, I will starve. the once workplace, QRRS, likely adopted an indifferent stance not to intervene. my financial crisis roots in poor salary which below ¥2000 decades. my living expense is the amount and bank commission including penalty now rises to near that amount, too. God, dad, where is the way to survive the adversity the sinking PRC, the theft of my vested Empire of China, setup? how to fund my startup for China democracy and Royal of China? dad God, help me in the darkened nightmare and threatened living. bring me my Royal China, my always gospel, my crowned Queen from Japan, Asoh Yukiko, to shine over my troubled pool of finance. bring me peace in building up my kingdom of plenty and prosperous miles after miles. after all God, dad, I in faith of you and vow to follow the glorious path on the sovereign in eastern Asia.
Jul 5, 2016
in dawn dream I with my son, woz, made a huge package each under PRC's surveillance against adversity. woz's even bigger than mine. last Friday the dorm canteen operator demanded me returning their loan of boarding for they in short of cash. I have no way but my work place to seek last help. so I visited my once department leader, now assistant manager of QRRS, and discussed my unbalanced situation. he asked for my mobile and promised informing me if his leader board has any solution extends to me. returned to dorm, bankcomm clerk woman buzzed in. I talked about my housing public fund which intact in accumulation so far. I suggested her to elaborate that source with my workplace leader. last Saturday afternoon I brought my son watched "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows (2016)" and we both satisfied. his mom tentatively arranged my son's schedule too pushy to allow us dwelling more together. my son's mobile, a nexus, very specifically target hacked, disabled vpn, google play store and revealed messenger. I also lost temper upon my son's loose management over security. but God dad, isn't they can't afford their losing and barked louder now to upset us? the sinking PRC surveillance, the dog system, from start to end is a failure. they boast their triumph, times and times targeted my son's computers, they in fact chasing its own tail like mad dog. God, dad, I was aging and hostile in my circumstance alerts me of hidden dangers or revenge of nobody. God, dad, I wouldn't exit with regret. for glory of Son I will bring about, for Empire of China reset ahead of 1109 years, I will stride to explore till shiny holy paved. dad God, grant me freedom of financial independence. bring me my Royal China to tip turn the sinking PRC dictation , and freaky atheism worship now insaner and mortaler. let my cyber startup booms.
Jun 27, 2016
Dreamt of 2nd son of my 2nd brother sick, his brain grows out of skull. Then dreamt bank clearance clerk and cops visited my house, scan my documents, tool box, all stuff about my entrepreneur. My once workplace, QRRS cable TV branch, its most crews gathered likely with subpoena. Some of them suggested me handover my most recent and cherished tool box. I admit and suggested the searching clerk about the toolbox but found the toolbox missing. Then I out of rage and burst in angers. Its raining and likely in my hometown village, Zhudajiu. I also during the investigation doubting add a TOS, Term of Service onto my websites from template my site's dynamic backend web app offers. My nephew appears again trying to calm me, with his illness. Last weekend bankcomm.com clearance clerk informed me 3 times before shift my case to its law enforcement department after I admit unable to pay after 3 months. They tried best to prevent it by persuading me to gather the amount, about ¥3000, to hand in time. But I really sick to beg my alumni, my relatives again after these 3 months my finance fell in trouble and lots of survival clinch bank devised. The bankcomm soon buzzed my relatives, including my 3rd elder sister then forward to kid brother, a foolish and mean man with his startup, and my son woz. I got the phone to my son on the bus to dine out after shower. I debated my situation with the clerk woman and still felt innocent and of integrity. My son dislikes my trouble and urged me leave him alone soon after we returned to his mom's house, where we ate melon with newly handover fruit subscription barely from my kid brother's just arrived loan, ¥300 in addition ¥100 cellphone recharge, with which woz's glasses also replaced as planned years ago and his mom with her mom refused to loan 400rmb even guaranteed by woz's lunar new year's received gift money ¥900 from my old family hometown took over by the bitch at once after our 2nd flight tour to southern China in Feb 2016, and woz's alipay leftover recent years I gifted him but frozen temporarily by PRC policy over my credit crisis, resulted in burst of anger and hate each sides. In dorm the possible encountering cops and law enforcement staff from bank haunted my mind while I started reading. Later I jogged as usual. This morning I napped all the morning, for last night my son, woz ported a night in my dorm and too small bed let me lack of sleep. Dad God, we have faith in your salvage after all. Grant me independent finance and focus in my cyberspace startup. Bring me sooner my Royal China to sustain the bright future of young Chinese, as well as due respect of adults in sinking PRC. Thx for the holy affirmative and sunny summer sky since yesterday.
Jun 25, 2016
dreamt of uncle passed in my teenage. Its a sunny morning, but in dawn dream I first time dreamt my dad's youngest brother who deceased in his 40 or 50s'. my dad's eldest brother, a long time admirer of my dad's marriage and family together even we were poorer, also appeared in the village, ie outside of uncle's house. they entrusted me to find their workplace, a factory. I tried to digitalize manually drawn map, and also google map and searched both for location of their work unit and their concerned persons. its a bit weird for I never dreamt my uncle before. but God, dad, I in holy didn't believe in ghost. this morning my salary officially freezed. I have to live with bare hands. the canteen didn't show refusal but reserved. I will have to borrow to pay mobile fee. my weekends reunion with my son will only support one meal in 2 days, and the only meal on Sunday will also endangered. meanwhile my world web access turns stable after 3 or more showily hackings from PRC dictative curtain. dad God, the credit crisis really draining me, buffet my mood of living happy. I took challenge, took investment, took entrepreneur in recent years, but I now eagerer to land safely and home. dad, God, bring me sooner my Royal China to guard my family and offspring, guarant Chinese to independent and China from totally collapse, like Mideastern Arab's wasteland. grant me freedom of financial independence, grant my Empire glory of plenty to be creative and magnitude social factors coexist and supportive.

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